It's so sad that Nelson Mandela died in prison...Wait What?

in #news7 years ago


Okay, at first you may think the title of this was a clickbait title that suddenly changed its ways and questioned its own existence at the end. Well no that is fortunately not the case, I am actually referencing an event that many people claim to remember happening, Nelson Mandella dying in prison. As we all know, this is not the case but many people claim to remember reading articles about it and even seeing footage on TV of the funeral!

In fact, ever since this incident of widespread misremembering more and more of these events have been reported such as people remembering a nonexistent movie called Shazam, people misremembering the name of multiple cartoons and more.
So what's the big deal about this? It's just a group of people misremembering a certain thing or event, it's bound to happen at some point. And while that's true, one of the biggest reasons why this phenomenon is getting more and more popular is that the people call this the "Mandela Effect", named not so subtly after a man who definitely died in prison. Some of the people's explanations for this effect are that timelines are merging together and mixing between ours and different ones. I mean, that's a bit of an outlandish claim you have to at least admit that.

But expanding on the topic of other events people seem to magically remember incorrectly is the name of the extremely popular book and television series: The Berenstein Bears. The thing is rather than remembering it as the Berenstein Bears, they remember it as the Berenstain Bears. People even swear by it that they clearly remember the name ending with Ain rather the Ein.

So this is direct proof, right? I mean there are more incidents like this I could go over but these two major ones sort of prove it. I mean how could a large group of people have the same exact memory?

Well, of course, you can easily disprove this claim. First of all, we live in a highly interconnected world, and multiple people thought that Nelson Mandela really died in prison, so they spread it to other people and then they believe it and spread it to other people and so on. But how do people the memory of seeing Nelson Mandela's funeral? Well technically, they don't. They are their memories, but they are most likely just false memories. Which the human brain has a particularly bad habit of doing, in fact, you have probably caught your brain doing it at least once. You also have to remember that your brain stores information on flesh. Not a circuit board, not a disk, it stores it on meat. Sure on the atomic level of course but still, it is stored on meat, and the brain has proven itself to be fallible when it comes to memories.

So what can we gather from this whole fiasco? Well one thing is for certain, don't use meat to read and write data. It could corrupt one of your save files.