Trump's presidency so far has been pretty volatile and anything but consistent. However, the one thing that was surprisingly consistent was the country's stock market. Over the first year of Trump's presidency, the stock market made record gain as investors saw Trump peel back any regulation that might make their lives more difficult.
But all good things must come to self-correct; the market took a 4% nosedive from Friday of last week until just yesterday. Now, Trump's closest advisors and his most ardent enemies are in a tizzy about the stock market, but here at the Majority Report we're saying, "who cares?"
While many of Americans are invested in the stock market to some degree (pension, retirement fund, etc.), many are not. Likewise, the stock market is not the sum total of economic health. Furthermore, we should work to weaken the stock market in determining the overall health of our economy--this what left/progressive candidates mean when they say, "break up the banks."
We need to weaken Wall St. if we want a fairer economic future. If the stock market can take a 4% plunge after the US jobs report showed that wages were rising and lending interest may increase then we need to do everything we can to make sure banks do not dictate how we live.
Video idea: 10 things Trump has taken credit (undue) for and subsequently turned around to discount the whole thing. ..bigly!!!
1.Comey is a good guy (hillary email case reopen).
So on...
SAM SEDER? I imagined you would mock and ridicule Steemit... and crypto in general! All due respect, but other socialists aren't too keen...
I mean the RealNewsNetwork hasn't the foggiest idea of its function or value... They are too busy attributing all evils to free markets. I figured you would be on the same page as they are.
this sam kid seems to ask other 8 year olds what they think, then he posts it.
This stupid CLICK BAIT picture...
Awe... poor sam is wrong again.
The world didn't die after all.