Scaramucci Says Trump Is 'Too Smart' To Fire Robert Mueller

in #news7 years ago (edited)

In this Majority Report clip, we watch Anthony Scaramucci return to the spotlight to tell us that Donald Trump is probably way too smart to fire Robert Mueller.


Thank you for your service!

dear friend thanx you so much @samseder for a good video.

Omg, I so miss those times. So simple, in retrospect. Once you’re an alt-media cryptoking, you should continue your legacy by launching a WarOnXmas coin.

Also, yet unrelatedly, a request. I feel here I have more of a chance of you seeing this plea (versus twitter): can you pretty please recruit Janeane Garofalo to steemit? It’s just something I want in my life. I usually cry from laughter while washing dishes when you have her on The Majority Report and y’all get going. //Edit: also Judy Gold.

I don't think the Christmas war has an end. There is no opponent. Same thing here in my country

I almost felt bad for Bob Knight. Almost. He got Steemrolled by Sam.

Simpler and happier times. Great take down.

  1. Trump is not "too smart" for anything ...I do mean anything.

  2. Tax scam law is passed and now it's countdown to Trump's exit ,
    a) make an excuse - fire Mueller maybe
    b) act indignated
    c) rage quit ..throw the xbox controller and storm out of white house.