Another interesting news is there related to Bollywood is that the Bollywood film which is named as '102 Not Out'. This film will be released on 4th May 2018. The characters of this film are Amitabh Bachchan as well as Rishi Kapoor. Yet full casts and characters are not published but Amitabh and Rishi reunion after 27 years. So, their comedy, their acting will be very excited to all audience. Their last film was Ajooba. The director of this film is Umesh Shukla. This film is taken from the play of Saumya Joshi Gujarati play. The name contains the same. So, after the reunion of Big B Amitabh Bachchan and most talented actor Rishi Kapoor the movie will definitely rock on box office. So, the audience will be very excited about this film.The teaser of this film was not yet out but hope that it'll be soon released.
Hopefully, you'll enjoy today's news.....
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It would be nice watching them after a long gap of 27 yrs.
Ini film pasti banyak lucunya, saya langsung lihat trailer movie nya dan terlihat lucu dan comedy.
thanks update movie Bollywood .
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