Now you can pay web stores, directly from your Coinbase wallet.

in #news7 years ago

The world's biggest cryptocurrency exchange coinbase announced that coinbase has launched a new plugin. This new coinbase's plugin will allow, millions of websites to accept cryptocurrency. I mean major cryptocurrencyes like Bitcoin,Litecoin,Ethereum. This coinbase's plugin will give the permision of merchants to accept cryptocurrency payments directly from the customers or users all over the world. You can download this plugin from GitHub. After launching this plugin by coinbase its now easier to accept cryptocurrency payments all over the world. WooCommerce is a most popular e-commerce website, WooCommerce is now working with millions of wordpress sites.


Using this plugin, web stores can now accept cryptocurrency very easily, web stores can add this plugin into their wordpress site and start accept crpto payments directly from the customers very easily. If you are buying something through WooCommerce webstores, then you can pay them directly from your coinbase wallet. This is a great news for crypto lovers, coinbase is constantly doing positive things for cryptocurrency, recently coinbase launched it's new digital gift card service through WeGift and now, coinbase launched this plugin. Let's see what will come out in future.

Thanku Guys.


exciting platform good luck

Good information, thank you

good informative news for crypto lovers..

Great news from coinbase. I hope it will be successful.
Keep it up.

Yes i also hope so.

Nice. It's a great news

Yes bro. Thanku.

Thanks for information. It's great news

Yes bro. Welcome.

Nice one dear...

Jab crypto hmare pass hogi hum bhi try krengey

hot news abaout coinbase

thank u for this great information

Good to know that, but let' see.

Yeah but, let's see what??

best effort carry on bro

Great article mate. Thanks for sharing this information with us. Keep it up the great work

Nice info, keep it up.

@saubhikbiswas338its great we can pay directly from coinbase


very nice article keep it up.

Thanks Bro


A ray of hope in dark

Coinbase done great work

Coinbase is launching good services for cryptocurrency. Good work bro

This ids very good news for crypto market .. nd will be very good step take by coinbase ..

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Great news

Thanks brother