The experimental 'successful' launch of Bangabandhu satellite

in #news6 years ago

US private space exploration and technology company SpaceX has claimed that the launch of Bangabandhu Satellite-1 was successful. Orlando on Friday evening
US private space exploration and technology company SpaceX has claimed that the launch of Bangabandhu Satellite-1 was successful. On Friday evening, a successful experimental launch was launched at the Kennedy Space Center in Orlando. According to a report in the Florida Tueed, quoting the SpacesX tweet message, which is responsible for launching the first Satellite satellite in Bangladesh,
It has been said that on Friday evening, the Falcon 9 rocket shout was heard in the new version of SPExx on Block 5 at Kennedy Space Center. This has led to the launch of commercial communication satellite; Which may be coming next week.
Falcon 9 rocket made an experimental launch on 7 pm5am local time in Florida, USA. At this time, smoke from the block 5 of Kennedy Space Center was seen.
SPEx reviewed the information after the experimental launch. Bangabandhu Satellite-1 may be launched next week if its results are positive.
On Twitter, SpaceX says Falcon 9's static fire has been completed before launching Bangladesh's first satellite next week. The rocket is faulty. However, it will take a few days to review the information. When the data is reviewed, the launch date will be set.
Meanwhile, the US Air Force's weather forecasts say that the weather is expected to be favorable on May 7. It is likely that the weather will be 70 percent favorable on that day. In space, the weather is 80 percent favorable for launching satellites in space.


finally launched?

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