I don't think people hate libertarians or anything. I find it hard to do so, as nothing of what they say comes off as oppressive in any way, at least for now as they don't wield any real power.
But I do think that alot of them, especially anarchists, have a way too rosy view of the world in asking for complete abolishment of any form of government or regulations. That I think just leads to corporatism or warlords taking over; whoever would have the biggest stick would rule.
I think I align myself with libertarians quite a bit, as in I go by "live and let live" but some laws need to be in place to punish those that don't do so to ensure most do.
I'm not for full abolishment of government. More of a 'night watchman' or constitutional small government.
Well, that I can get on board with. But I think you have to agree that there are some people in this movement that are more radical in these views. Most people, I think, would agree to have less of the government in their life, except the commies of course, which most likely have no idea what they're trying to get into.