
@sgtreport , in the interview, Tracy mentioned that she has a account (a.k.a. steemit account). I can't find the verified account. Can you please share her account on here so i can start following her!?

I think I found it

We can only hope that DTube can refine their platform fast enough so that these contributors have a viable platform to convert to.

Google has a monopoly over the control of the internet, and should be regulated. People saying otherwise are damning this nation to hell. LoLbertarians are ass clowns. Good video!

Many of the you tube channels I follow have been shutdown over the past week. We all need to prioritize following the publishers on non deep state platforms. I am adding to my steemit follow list as people transition from you tube. I have to learn bitchute as people are also transitioning there. Please don't temper your message, we need to know the truth and listen to different views and opinions.

How can you claim that YouTube is breaching free speech when it is a PRIVATE COMPANY? I agree with YouTube that they can censor whatever they want to. YouTube is NOT a public utility, Sean. Stop with that line of reasoning, please.

Therefore, don't use YouTube!!! Create another platform, promote it and use it. Steer people AWAY from YouTube, instead of complaining about it!

Sean, take the lead, if you have to. Join up with all of the other alternative media sites and hire some programmers. Design your own platform to use.

You make a good point @tezzajw about YouTube being privately owned, therefore calling the shots as to what can and cannot be censored. If the first amendment protects free speech and the freedom of the press, I don’t think it means that the corporate media (which owns YouTube) has any legal obligation to guarantee freedom of speech in its media outlets. Indeed, it has editors that determine the content of the “information” to be published.
Ironically, wouldn’t it be the onus of public media i.e., government-owned, to protect freedom of speech in its publications? (The media as the fourth branch of government upholding the Constitution and its amendments?)
Only joking, of course! Like that would ever happen! Like we’d ever get the truth anyway!
Let’s get real. It’s censorship, censorship all around, and we have to find a way around it, which is why many of us jumped to platforms like Steemit.

Great Post, Thank you.

SmartCash the cryptocurrency is behind you, we are on also promoting free speech and a better world.


Captain James ($andy) HOOK
What LIES between the ACE of Hearts and the KING of $pades?....
Hint: HO(l)MES... AURORA
Darkest before the DAWN
"Lucks Bound"
$heriff Zionism.

You have now been infected... ($ICK)

everyone in the alternative media community should use the same media platform - coordination and collaboration is key

Sean 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 your web site has crashed , and then an AMAZON looking survey has come up with ALL of my information on it offering me $1000 as one of the prizes . I already called amazon to warn them of this . They said they will be calling the authorities . I have several snap shots of it and when you give me a place to send them to I will . But they are not legit . So the war is very much ON❗️First of all I am still very mad at many in the truth community . Because your not listening to me . I am former SOVIET so I would know first hand how this will go . And to the young lady , you don’t know what your talking about . The second amendment is there to protect us from tyrannical governments, and we should NOT have to rely on white hats , or whatever you think is going on there ❗️I’m not here to tear you down but to give you insight from some one who lived under soviet threat . I lost family members who were woken up in the middle of the night and never seen again . The day they come marching down the street fully armed is the day its too late to act . I’m NOT promoting hate , or violence . I’m trying to reach your inner soul hoping it will connect with your brain . I’m not being a sensationalist either . These are very serious matters , and they can not be taken lightly . Relying on a savior is UTTERLY STUPID ❗️ You cannot operate like this . Look I was military , please I am begging you let me help 🙏 . You should be listening to men like the one you have that video on who says he was former military with security clearances . Ask him if you don’t believe me . The AMERICAN MILITIA MUST BE ACTIVATED ❗️This isn’t about promoting hate , or violence . It is about protecting our republic and in RUSSIA 🇷🇺 and all the other satellite communist states from which I am from one of them I will not mention , they thought this way too . Someone will come and save us . Make NO mistake about it ONLY YOU can save you . You have to stop thinking in this way for it is VERY dangerous . All the beast needs is for you to become complacent , and all of you can feel free to ask me anything . I strongly support all of your efforts , but there comes a time when you just have to put your body armor on grab your rifle and defend our nation . If you don’t believe me then invite that gentleman that I spoke of , because if he is for real then he will tell you there is no substitute for being ready to go , and I don’t mean just prepping . We must get organized and start training because war is not organized and pretty like they show you in the movies . It is CHAOTIC and deadly and I don’t want anything to do with it , but I’d rather die on my feet then to serve these monsters on my knees ❗️People like you scare me because your utterly unrealistic about what they are capable of . Many people get all flustered at a man with a gun ......ok what about these demons with over TEN THOUSAND NUKES ⁉️ THINK ❗️And I admire everyone seeking peaceful solutions , but I live in REALITY . And I don’t want to be like the French watching the NAZIES marching down their main boulevard in WW2 . We have to get in front of this , and let them know that if they come for the guns then people will die . That’s not an open threat . That is our rights to tell these INVADERS that enough is enough . They have no problems keeping us poor and destitute . I witnessed first hand after the collapse entire families living in their minivans . I was homeless for years after the collapse . I was robbed , beaten , threatened , bullied by COPS who only see things in black , or white . You don’t know the horrors of being homeless and when street people find out you just became homeless they target you . Lucky for me I have military training and an long time martial artist and I made it clear to the street thugs that I would take one of them with me if they ever tried something . But not everyone was so lucky . Look up HOBO KILLERS , and I was stalked by a few of them . And I did get into an altercation . I have a police record now in Orlando Fl because of it . But it showed EVERYONE that I don’t fucking play games and am a very serious person when it comes to life , or death . Taking a life is a very serious thing , and I don’t make light of it , but self preservation will always be MINE , and no constitution on planet earth can remove it , or pass a law to restrict it . I am with GOD , and I always do the right thing . Even when no one is watching , because that is my belief . I will go out of my way to help someone in need , and I don’t like to take any adulation for it . But GOD helps those who help themselves . And the truth community is not doing anything but talking about it . Implementation of actions are needed at this time . We at the very least have to march down EVERY main drive fully armed and ready as a message to the federal government that we will no longer stand by while they plan to destroy our nation and turn it into a vassal state for the queen of England and her banksters . First will go your freedom of speech . Then they will come and take our guns and maybe even knives , bows , swords etc etc etc . But as I said . By then it will be too late and you may be going to a concentration camp for re-education ,and possibly extermination . GOD help us all . Have you both thought what would happen if the white hats fail , and just end up making the demons angrier ⁉️ Yeah...... I’m betting you have a blank look on your face . I still want to communicate with you some how Sean so I can give you some very interesting video of some project I’ve been working on plus your web site crash snap shot . So give me some kind of method . I have Facebook ,Twitter , Skype , FaceTime ,and I am willing to converse with you on messenger e-mail , just name it . But we gotta talk soon , because they are ramping it up . GOD bless everyone and forgive me if I sounded a little rough , but I care . And that’s why I hurt 😔 👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻