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RE: J.D. Vance, the most powerful speech in the EU in decades.

in #news6 days ago (edited)

From a British perspective even though I reside in Poland and poli-tics for the most part are not heard or seen, but from that of a Brit, you are demonized for wanting national borders respected, you are called far right just for wanting Pakistan grooming gangs held to account for raping thousands of underage white girls all over the country for decades, the police turned a blind eye as it would be "racist and cause racial tension" to hold them to account.
I have no idea what it would be like to live with him, what he is like in person, but that speech was required as the EU, not here in Poland, but the rest is heading into that 1984 the George wrote about where thought police are real as shown with that yt vid from the police in the UK.
Perception is a strange thing when people choose a side in uniparty countries as most are now, two sides of one coin, same shit different name, the policies never change, just the wording, it seems popular to offend half of each and every nation, as long as 51% like you.
I neither self identify as left, middle or right. I may think liberal about one thing, right about another, and center for something else, so how can I call myself any one thing?

Eye liner or not, that speech was needed here as nobody ever gets heard, voters are not even taken into consideration anywhere in the EU, because no matter who is voted into being a MEP, those very MEP's have no say in anything full stop. The EU is run by un-elected Davos attending bureaucrats that not a single person knows who they are, not one of them is elected, and they choose what rules are adopted.
This is the danger of hidden shadow governments, the EU was set up like this from the beginning.

The US might as well be on another planet from here as it does and will do what it does anyway due to so many different states being run by different people with different ideologies, the EU is lock step, 1 rule for all, written by the faceless un-elected few, and they needed to hear that speech, they need to be held to account, and if it takes the US saying grow up and look after your own countries and own people, so be it, he said it, they hated it, time will tell.
Glad I live in Poland, for now.


"This is the danger of hidden shadow governments, the EU was set up like this from the beginning."
Well, you'll never get me to agree that a man who is now part of our new shadow government should be the one addressing the concerns of Europe. Never in a million years. What happened here in the last election will go down in history as the biggest sham ever run down on the American people. I've lived practically my entire life unattached to anyone except my kids, I am still alive and have survive due to my instincts of acknowledging evil when I see it, and that man is the persona of evil. You could write me a book and never change my mind.

So you would prefer the cocaine snorting, seemingly multi lingual - multi personality depending on the audience Kamala Harris? The US is showing it is run by oligarchs with that billionaire show Trump put on - on that stage, it at least is more honest a show than the Blackrock, state st and Vanguard run shadows in the EU, like I said, my concerns are where I reside, the rest of the world will do what it does, I can only control what goes on at our farm, the way in which we farm, home school our daughter - everything else is down to everyone else.