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RE: Rescued 'Sex Slave' Reveals How She Was Sold to Up and Coming Political Elite as a Child

in #news7 years ago

This stuff is so sick. When I first heard about this kind of thing, I really couldn't believe it. But as my search for truth continued, I have realized that this horrid practice as very much alive and happening all over the world. I think that there is currently underway an active attempt through the Trump administration to get some control over this. I hope and pray it is true.


If there were an attempt by Trump do do this, then he would not have hired Alexander Acosta as Labor Secretary. Acosta is the federal attorney who let billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein off with a slap on the wrist.

Rather than the minimum ten-year sentence the billionaire pedophile faced, Acosta’s arrangement with Epstein’s lawyers landed a part-time, eight hours per day county jail term for a scant 13 months in a club med prison.

These are undisputed facts — yet, in April, Trump still appointed Acosta as his Secretary of Labor.

Onboard 100%. I want to believe Trumps on the side of honest decent people but I’ve got a terrible feeling we’re being thrown a few pervs so we think things have changed. I hope I’m wrong. Peace and respect, Lou

This is just wrong. I sincerely hope a change comes and soon enough too...