Sadistic Child Rape is Threatening National Security

in #news7 years ago

Most people have difficulty wrapping their mind around the subject of raping and torturing children, including infants and toddlers. This crime has festered and been allowed to become an epidemic because most people refuse to acknowledge its existence and even discuss it.

Child rape is not sexual attraction. It is a violent and brutal crime in which the perpetrator enjoys seeing and hearing his victim scream in pain and terror. It is not a crime of sudden rage or revenge. It is a crime that is contrived secretly in the mind of the pedophile long before the act occurs, and every step is planned in advance. These people should not be classified as "disabled" and in a protective status. These people are as evil as you can get, and they are everywhere in our society.

"FBI's Assistant Director of Criminal Investigation Joseph Campbell, said child sex trafficking and pedophilia have reached epidemic levels." BBC Interview July 2015 ( page 16 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape")

"Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape", published in 2017, is a must-read. Legislators, governors, mayors and community leaders, educators, law enforcement officers, journalists, daycare workers, and anyone who cares about the safety and well-being of children should read this book. Lori Handrahan, Ph.D. has written a book that exposes the alarming reality of pedophilia within our midst. She shares countless examples and hundreds of references.

According to arrest records available, most of these insidious crimes are being perpetrated by men you would never suspect. In their mind dwells a secret passion to rape and torture children. They are the "nice guy" that people refuse to believe can hurt or torture a child. But, sadly, the records speak for themselves and show that this crime is an epidemic among community leaders, government employees, military leaders, religious leaders, and academic professionals.

"Those convicted on child pornography charges in America have been, overwhelmingly, white men. The US. Sentencing Commission documents data from federal prosecutions in 1992, 2004, and 2010. For every year, more than eighty-five percent of child pornography convicts were white men averaging forty-three years old." ( page 21 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape") Full report is available at: (

Pedophiles are highly organized and network both online and offline. They support each other and trade children with each other.

We may unknowingly be working shoulder to shoulder with these people on our jobs. These pedophiles are policemen, ( lawyers, prosecutors, judges, teachers, professors, coaches, counselors, social workers, soldiers and military officers, doctors, nurses, priests and pastors, babysitters, and daycare workers. We have all been much too naïve in thinking that a "nice" person can be trusted alone with our child. "Family courts are supply lines, and the adoption industry is rife with pedophiles." (

Here is a partial list of federal government agencies whose employees have been convicted of child sex crimes: FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency), USMS (United States Marshalls Service), DHS (Department of Homeland Security), CSP (Customs and Border Patrol), ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), TSA (Transportation Security Administration), USCG (United States Coast Guard), SS (Secret Service), FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), CPS (Child Protection Services), ACE (Army Corps of Engineers), National Children's Museum, USPS (United States Postal Service), DSHS (Department of Health and Human Services), USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs), DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), USAF (United States Air Force), USN (United State Navy), USM (United States Marines), and the United States Army. ( chapter 5 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape")

Pedophiles can be found anywhere. Sadly, we must be on our guard at all times; even in our own homes. Fathers rape their own toddlers, and grandfathers rape their own infant grandchildren. Even women have been arrested for offering their children for rape.

Pedophiles networks are extremely sophisticated and organized. They train each other how to find, allure, groom, and carry out their atrocities. Daycare and preschool programs are prime targets for these pedophiles. ( page 126 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape") Do not be naïve and feel certain that it is safe to leave your child with an individual even if the person is very nice and befriends you. Pedophiles are "sheep in wolves clothing," the "nice guys." They don't acquire access to their prey by being unfriendly and unkind. No, they are cunning and well trained as they carefully execute their plans and reel in their intended victim. They are patient. They spend time, oh so subtly, observing their target as well as the child's surroundings, the child's parents and their caregivers. They carefully strategize each step as they begin to groom their target. No one would suspect the horrid thoughts and sick disgusting fantasies that permeate their mind.

No child is too young for them. Images and videos of hundreds and thousands of infants and toddlers being brutally raped and tortured are being shared daily across the global pedophile networks. Many pedophiles prefer younger children. After all, children who cannot speak cannot tell. Young children's testimonies are not allowed in court. Pedophiles are well aware of this. One father even shared a sonogram image of his unborn child as he salivated about how this child could be "added to the game." ( page 41 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape")

In 2013 Europol reported that almost half of servers who host child pornography are in the United States. "Europol's 2015 report details a dramatic increase in U.S. based sites from 516 sites in 2013 to 2,617 sites in 2015, far greater than any other country." ( page 17 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape")

In 2015 one database that the FBI shut down had 214,898 members who were trading images and videos of child rape. Just imagine, this is only one of hundreds and thousands of databases. The enormity of the numbers of images and videos is stunning. ( page 18 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape")


"The global industry may be yielding $20 to $50 billion or more per year." ( (page 18 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape") Think about it. That is a lot of money. How many children must be raped to make $50 billion in profit? How many active pedophiles does it take to make $50 billion in profit? "America's fastest growing crime is one we know almost nothing about." ( page 23 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape")

As gross as it sounds, children are viewed as a renewable resource who can be reused over and over again. The supply is endless. When they are done raping and torturing the victims, their organs can be harvested and sold on the black market.

"Most people are not aware of the sadistic nature of a pedophile crime...One pedophile stated, 'the bloodier the better''"( Believe it or not, in order for a person to join a pedophile network that trades images and videos of child rape and torture, they must perform and film the action, and submit the image or video to the network that they want to join. So in order to join the network, they must commit the crime and submit their evidence. ( page 30 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape") How sick is that?

Of course, their image or video is then sold to the network and shared with thousands of others. These people are proud of their deeds. They brag about what they have done and broadcast the evidence far and wide within their networks. The more vile and vulgar it is, the more they are satisfied. They are praised and emotionally rewarded by their fellow pedophiles. The most vile and brutal acts shown in images and videos are highly prized among the pedophile groups.

CEOP (European Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) reported, in 2012, that child pornography is 'becoming more extreme, sadistic, and violent, and the abuse of young children is becoming more extreme.' ( page 43 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape")

Many pedophiles are government employees and contractors who are using their government computers to network and trade their child rape and child torture images and videos. This activity leaves these individuals wide open for blackmail of not only themselves, but they are "prime targets for organized criminal networks and foreign espionage operations." "Director of Pentagon Defense Security Services, Daniel Payne, verified the amount of child porn on government computers is just unbelievable." ( page 84 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape")

America's chief scientist responsible for monitoring global nuclear activity at Patrick Air Force Base's Technical Applications Center's Atomic Energy Detection System was arrested in 2013. He was charged in pre-teen (PTHC) -- the brutal rape and torture of very young children, often infants and toddlers. ( page 64 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape")

With the massive NSA surveillance of the general population, why can't they identify the pedophiles, shut down these networks, and arrest the child rapists?

Pedophilia is a secret culture; they protect each other and help each other avoid prosecution. Prosecutors refuse to prosecute. Judges give pedophiles preferential treatment. When asked, many organizations and agencies refuse to provide data. When your local police chief, county prosecutor, college professor, or even your family court judge is trading in child rape themselves, they are unlikely to cooperate in providing the necessary data to build integrated databases of the evidence.

Information should be collected by all local, state, and federal governments and organizations. This information should be made available to all investigators and law enforcement agencies across the country. Sadly, that is not the case. Your own child may have been abused and filmed by a pedophile who shared this filth with a network in Australia or China or Russia, and you would never find out about it. Even though in a single pedophile arrest, thousands of images and or videos are often confiscated, only a few of the victims are ever identified or investigated. There are not enough investigators assigned to pursue the evidence in these crimes. The files are stored in some archive and seldom ever again see the light of day.

There is hope that such a database will be available in the near future. The International Tribunal for Natural Justice is an organization whose mission is "to apprehend the abuses and tyranny of systems and institutions; restore truth and reason to the delivery of justice in the world; and uphold natural justice as the foundational tenet of human expression beyond the artifice of borders and boundaries." (

The ITNJ in 2018 have announced the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. They are currently raising funds to collect the criminal data on child rape and torture from thousands of sources around the world. ( They plan to bring awareness of these crimes into the mainstream so that people can be responsibly informed. The day will come when these pedophiles can no longer hide in the dark shadows.


Child rape is not a crime that people want to hear about. While many people seem to be tantalized and entertained by watching "murder mystery" shows, there is nothing about child rape and child torture that any of those viewers want to ever view as entertainment. Every decent person is horrified by the thought of adult men binding, gagging and raping children. People don't want to hear about such despicable things, but the reality of these crimes must be exposed.

"The quantity of child pornography, a crime dominated by organized crime, on government computers as a whole, is 'unbelievable' according to the Pentagon Defense Service Director and this did not even make headline news." ( page 57 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape")

A news report simply states that someone was arrested for child molestation and pornographic images were found on their computer. Most people have no idea of the horror that is behind that arrest. It is difficult for reporters to cover because the identity of the victims must be protected in every case. Because the nature of the crime is so personal and psychologically destructive, all investigative reporting must be handled with extreme care and dignity. Also, because the perpetrator is often known to the victim and their family, there is often denial by the family, who are unable to accept that their beloved relative or friend has done such a horrific thing to their child. (

Media must begin to investigate and expose child rape and torture. Media must wake Americans up. Where is the "Me Too" mainstream movement for these young victims of horrific brutal criminal activities?


  1. As part of the state licensing requirements for daycare centers, preschools, and teachers, the public can demand that the state agencies require a signed Code of Conduct along with consent for random electronic searches.
  2. We can stop being silent. Request that local and national journalists start asking tough questions, investigate, and report the truth about all pedophile crimes. They must make people understand the gravity of the situation. People need to know what these pedophiles are doing to children. Support all journalists who are doing a good job reporting on pedophilia activity.
  3. Ask the journalists to provide links to court records so that the public can do their own research.
  4. Share the information ourselves on social media.
  5. Contact our own legislators and demand that servers distributing child pornography be shut down.
  6. Organize public community meetings and distribute awareness information.
  7. Demand that local, state, and federal agencies cooperate and provide their data to build a national integrated database collected on all pedophile cases across the country.
  8. Become a volunteer researcher and help build a national database.
  9. Demand that institutions install software that finds and reports child trafficking. ( chapter 8 "Epidemic America's Trade in Child Rape")
  10. We can support the ITNJ Judicial Committee of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse.
  11. Support President Trump's commitment to end human trafficking.

Excellent article! Thank you for taking the time to write it.

Praying More people wake up to the crimes going on Right in their backyards and these little ones have No Voice.

As Guardians of Children we Must step forward, wake up the others and Stop this!

So gross how these pedophilia normalization groups try to claim it is about attraction or pretending these little ones even have the capacity to Give consent. It is Exactly why they keep trying to push parents Out of the way.

Did some reports on this group and was Blown away as this pedo discussed "negotiating" sex with a 4 year old. Get a bucket!

BTW. . .Excellent tips on what people Can do!

Children can give consent for sexual relationship at age of 4 according to PIE. REALLY?

BTW. . . your article deserves Way more attention.
Sad how Truth is buried and even in the Truth Community. . .doesn't get Seen like it should. Keep on keeping on! Keep #FightingTheGoodFight