Today 02/02/2018 a demonstration have been held by various mass organizations to support the Northern Aceh police chief Untung Sangaji who has captured and shaved 12 transvestites (LGBT) in North Aceh as news viral.
As we know, Aceh has applied Islamic Shari'a as the specificity of Aceh which is regulated in Aceh Government Law (UUPA) under Indonesian Republic Law. Islamic Shari'a regulates that the same kind of sex is strictly prohibited, the punishment is very heavy even heavier than dealing with the opposite sex.
As a news released by, the Governor of Aceh Irwandi Yusuf and chairman of the People's Legislative Assembly (DPRA) Tgk. Muharuddin came to the demonstration. In his oration Irwandi Yusuf says "We do not hate LGBT, but we hate his deeds. If we find we will punish".
Here are some pictures I took at the place:
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