i didnt make any research if the information from bill warner is correct (i mean i know e.g. about the islamic fights in spain), but upon watching the video it seems absolutly true. i mean the jihad is obviously still practiced today, these freaks dont even try to hide their intentions but yelling them out: conquer europe, kill all christians.
you know what? let the cavemen come. the more the modern west is developing its technology, culture and military, the less the fanatic islamic freaks will succeed. we will never defeat this ever growing cancer, but its certainly not lethal and can be cut away to a tiny tumor every single time it tries to grow.
the breakthrough for the world will be the independence from oil as an energy ressource. by then, countries like saudi arabia will lose all power to blackmail the western world in an instant. combined with their lack of education, technology and any other ressources, it will be lights out for the area. take a look at Jemen now, this will be the destiny of the whole fanatic islamic world.
to be a good muslim, you have to pray 5 times a day, follow ramadan and visit mekka once. then you will get rewarded by allah after your death. the focus here is the "life after death". development, education, humantiy and responsibilty for other people are bad things for them.
i mean, you dont have to be a scientist to recognize, that this "culture" will come to an end