Unsubscribe from CNN
By now you will have probably heard all the stories about Trump and the CNN Meme.
There are no words for how insane the dinosaur lapdog establishment mouthpiece mockingbird media is getting. Case in point: remember that "infamous" meme of Trump wrestling CNN to the ground that the teleprompter-in-chief tweeted last weekend?
Well after days of wall-to-wall pearl clutching coverage from the MSM, they've finally tracked down the vile reddit user who created it! And they're threatening to dox him. As you can imagine, this is not going so well for the least trusted name in news...
CNN have bullied the reddit poster HansAssSolo to take down and apologize for the fun meme posted with threats of naming him to the world.
This is an attack on us all for free speech. Its time to make a stand people. Its time to unsubscribe from CNN!
they dont like getting a taste of their own medicine do they?
Oh certainly not! The internet is hilarious with the mems now lol