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RE: Government Vs. NFL: Organization May Be Forced To Return Paid Patriotism Funds Again

in #news7 years ago

Some people do say - sport should never be involved in politics. But the truth is, it has always been involved and will continue to be. We all know the story of Mohamed Ali and how he was stripped off his titles because, he refuse to be enlisted in a war he felt was unjust. (that is politics there)

Many people think being patriotic is when you are in the military serving your country. Patriotism is vigorous support for one's country. That is to say, anyone who is able to support his/her country is patriotic. We now agree that teachers, lawyers, doctors and other professionals that help to support and promote the uplifting of the country is patriotism.

Lets us stop equating the recent kneeling of the NFL athletes as an insult or unpatriotic to the national and its flag.

We can go on and on and site many examples of protest of athletes but the truth is that these athletes irrespective of their high paid profession and big bank accounts, are still human beings with deep emotional feelings about the racial, economic and social inequalities and they have their own views on these sensitive issues and I think they should heard.

If standing for the national anthem and celebrating the flag is a paid commercial then I will say, put an end to national deceit of patriotism. We have to love America for America.