Things That Moved Me – The Syrian Plight

in #news7 years ago (edited)

US-led strikes against Syria and a selection of news and videos

Needless to say, the biggest piece of movement this week was the US-led coalition strike against Syria (with France and Great Britain tagging along for good measure). All based on a report that Assad allegedly used chemical weapons against his own people. Supposedly, for Trump, it was the final straw. I faintly remember hearing this stuff before; only George Walker Bush wasn’t quite as provocative, or maybe he just didn’t have a Twitter account.

Nowadays American presidents announce these strikes (aka. the beginning of wars that kill and displace thousands of people) per Twitter...


This tweet is no longer on the President’s timeline, but you know how it is, the internet does not forget.

NBC News on the above tweet:

Guardian News on the alleged chemical attack:

Reports and interviews you won’t see on corporate-backed media

Background story

General Wesley Clark: The US will attack 7 countries in 5 years
Irak - Syria - Lebanon - Lybia - Somalia - Sudan - Iran

Unedited, fake White Helmets 'rescue' video

They are very professional wouldn’t you agree?
Oscar worthy.

"The White Helmets" win an Oscar

Most recently

Russian MoD Briefing: Syrian Eyewitnesses Reveal How Douma Provocation Was Made

How to Stage a Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria

Eva Bartlett Exposes the Lies

Eva Bartlett, an independent writer and rights activist with extensive experience in Syria and in the Gaza Strip, reports and exposes the western media lies on Syria. I became aware of her through this article depicting a Twitter conflict between Eva Bartlett and Sibel Edmonds, founder of Newsbud. More information can be found on The Corbett Report’s YouTube channel and Eva Bartlett's website.

Western media lies about Syria exposed (Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett)

Corbett Report: Eva Bartlett Exposes the Lies on Syria

Lift the Veil: Recent Interview with Eva Bartlett

Edited to add:

What does Infowars say?

Alex Jones might just be the best nominee for the next Oscar to be got.

Our favorite former Trump supporter reacts to Trumps decision to strike Syria

I'm sure it won't take long for the mainstream media like CNN to use this crying fit as another reason to call all alternative reporters nuts. But then again, they are off sniffing people's handkerchiefs for proof of chemicals. Truth is stranger than fiction, that's for sure.

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