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RE: A far-from-formal look at the Presidential and Vice Presidential debates- Forgive the language.

in #news8 years ago

These two Vermin Professional Politicians should both be TWEP' d

Terminated With Extreme Prejudice is what the United States military tend to do in the name of American Industrial capitalists profits...

This word was coined by the America military while working for their industrial masters in South East Asia some 50 years ago : )

The current opinion polls have placed one Presidential Candidate at 41 % of the popular vote and their Conglomerate partner at 43% of the votes.

The difference is 2 percent and that is actually the real likelihood your life will be improved by either of these scum gaining freeloading rights into the White House . . .

The conglomerate is the corporation of how the two political parties panhandle for your gold with their crazy antics, these two parties simply use whatever they can to gain access to rewarding their contributors trillions of dollars in governmental contracts.

But for some strange reason millions of Americans think either one or the other of these professional politicians will actually do something useful for the nation, the definition of craziness is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome ! ! !