
Agreed @standordlocke but I guess the point I was making (aside from the humour) is in relation to an opinion piece I saw on CNN last fall. If the president (doesn't matter which one) were to order a nuclear strike, it would take a very ballsy commander to say 'no'. AND...if they did, they may find themselves jobless replaced by someone who would say "yes" to their boss. Obviously there are checks and balances, but from what I've read, and in my opinion, not enough of them.

the process is more involved than one commander having fur on his nuts
...some caution must be taken with CNN input...very very biased against conservatism and views other than progressive...all the majors are owned and operated by progressives, so getting fair and balanced input takes looking at several sources such as drudge...even politico gives some less biased news out...but they all must be carefully posts on 2020 vision will focus on these issues