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RE: dTube: EXPOSING Gwyneth Paltrow's "Goop" & Pseudoscience Nonsense

in #news7 years ago

All that's said about Goop can also be said about religion.
More even. Religion is not even pseudo-science, it's straight up bullshit and because of it people are doing the far worse things to themself and society, than Goop does. Why is nobody saying a word, when Jews performing completely unnecessary operations on small boys, for example? Why is nobody saying a word, when children being taught that the earth is 6000 years old and stuff like that? That's far more harmful, than Goop in my eyes.
All Goop is doing is selling bullshit to adults, who are completely in charge of what they are doing.
Not FDA approved? So what? So are protein powders. Since when is that an argument?


My thoughts kinda went that way too. I have no idea the best answer either.

Maybe because humans are self-destructive, hypocritical and ludicrous (surely a hyper-critical generalization, a little unfair of me, but maybe still a little bit true), and most of all - you don't touch religion? You're not supposed to, anyway, not without a lot of jeering, threats, and chastisement for your vain and prideful deviation. You don't question God and you don't question his appointed leaders, didn't you know that? It's not like it helps you win friends and influence people, so who would bother?

Oh, and us humans often tend to have a limited attention span and a herd-like mentality to our activism. That's an influential factor too. Our secular gods are our celebrities; that's why we think about them so much.

I'm still happy a pretty sizable portion of us think to look out for the good of all, though. And we care enough to speak up about something when it just doesn't seem ethical or right enough. Religion is, indeed, a huge one of those ethical offenders, it says so right here, and I'm reading line number five on a laundry list of "Naughties" longer than Santa could ever dream of.