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RE: Pennsylvania man convicted of attempted rape wrote descriptions of his 'perfect' victims

in #news8 years ago

I've read the story on dailymail. That's a really, really sad story. To be shunned all your life is a huge torture. I really feel this guy. I'm not commenting what he did. I'm rather commenting the challenges he was trying to overcome.

In his diaries he wrote that he want to die, well that's really, really sad. Such people should be supported and I guess that he didn't have enough friends to encourage him and somehow boost his self esteem.


Seriously? He raped because people weren't nice enough to him? Yes, I wish people were nicer.
Many people are shunned and do not rape.
Many people didn't like him because he was "rapey".

Yeah, but throwing stones at him doesn't make him better either.

Bring back stoning rapists. ;)