Tommy Robinson's Life Is In Danger. They Want Him Dead.

in #news7 years ago

According to his right-hand man Caolan Robertson, Tommy Robinson has just been transferred from a relatively safe situation in a prison with a small Muslim population into a prison with a significantly larger Muslim population, “filled with people who don’t like him,” where he has already been placed into general population.

Within the new prison, Tommy’s life has already been threatened. It has been reported that inmates were screaming threats at Tommy and banging on their cell doors throughout the night. Apparently “a hit” has also already been put out on Tommy – which mirrors what happened last time he was incarcerated.

Despite being assaulted and threatened multiple times while in jail previously, Tommy Robinson’s life is being endangered one again. Pulled from the streets and imprisoned within hours, where there is now a significant chance he will be given the death penalty.

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This looks pretty bad. I fear the UK has been infiltrated and subverted by you know who.

Illegal aliens from space who originaly crashlanded in atlantis?

Suggest you focus on your own country where schools of kids get shot up on a weekly basis.

Tommy Robinson is a hate preacher. He commited a crime for which he pled guilty to and now he’s in prison. That’s how it works.

What's happening to Tommy Robinson is sad. Hope he makes it out of this alive.

Why is it sad? He spends his time attacking Muslims and provoking hate and racism in the UK. He is a thug. He broke the law, committed a crime and plead guilty to it in a court of law. Now he’s in prison. That’s how it works.

I'd be surprised if he doesn't "kill himself" with help from a couple other inmates.