Might be an excellent time to get some silver and gold
Both Gold and Silver are the most manipulated and undervalued assets on the Planet. If I woke up tomorrow and Gold was trading at $27,000oz and Silver was at $700oz, I would simply roll over, go back to sleep and wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. This is how severely manipulated these markets are. Stephen
that would be more reasonable pricing for sure. In your own opinion what could break this manipulated market ? It seems they just dump billions of paper contracts on the market and slam the price whenever it tries to go higher.
When they control the market price with the click of a market can it change? Could a parallel market be what breaks the manipulation- such as the Chinese gold and silver market ? Would really value your experience and knowledge regarding this. I love gold and silver - but after seeing the price slammed over and over again it's easy to loose hope
If you haven't already see it, this is an interview I did with Max Keiser back in January 2016. My interview was in the second half. I explain exactly what is going to happen to the Gold and Silver Market. Well worth watching for those that haven't seen it. Stephen
Awesome - Thanks a lot !
Dont you remember when Roosevelt took everyones Gold and only allowed 1 oz per person, in the US? Or was that Truman? Thats why I would rather have hooks and bullets.
One year he abolished the alcohol and gold was okay, the next year he banned gold and alcohol was fine - I don't know what's worse ? Hahah