Let me firstly thank you for covering and breaking this to our awesome community...
This sort of corruption and essentially "embezzlement" (technically legal or otherwise) STINKS.
BUT, does it surprise anybody here, reading this? i seriously doubt it!
Most of the abuse in current life is created by the very people who are "supposed" to protect and/or serve us. No matter what your views on prisoners are, this is wholeheartedly WRONG. Why should "so called" public servants be allowed to rape the system, mismanage OUR money and give less than WE DEMAND of them?
I am zero% surprised at the plight of Qualls, this is unsurprising and actually characteristic and indicative of what happens when you stand up, speak out and say NO!
I applaud your efforts and research and work on bringing this "despicable" story to the community and can i just say that the words...
Made me incredibly proud to be here and sharing the platform with people such as yourself.
With regard to the recent struggle you have had with your health, may I send love and best wishes for the future :)
On the above matter, do you use wheatgrass? have you researched it?
If not , please do as it will help to replenish your immune system to where it needs to be, so you can bring us more groundbreaking exclusives!!!
Keep on, keeping on, this sort of work and research is invaluable on holding the scum of society to account, may your journey be one filled with good health, joy and fulfillment :)