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RE: The “Pit of Despair Experiment” Trump is Recreating

in #news6 years ago

You are fucking deluded, bro. I'm not talking about post-WWII. I'm talking about the past 20 years. Obama's administration where he got to be the drone king has only been superseded by this current one where a bomb is dropped every 12 minutes in your name.

And see, one more person who can't but resort to ad hominem attacks. Cos I couldn't possibly have my own thoughts on the horror that I see going on unabated, no matter which of your tribal red or blue teams is in power. I must have been jilted by some American lover. I mean, how fucking old are you anyway?

Don't bother responding. I'm not reading or responding to any more comments from this post from now on - which originally was about how the US government goes about treating people arriving on its borders. It isn't about your right to secure them. It's about the way it's being done that's the problem. And yeah, yewh, spare me the tribal issues about which party did what. I know it's been a law but not enforced since Clinton. I'm beyond sick of hearing about tribal level bickering when both parties are as fetid and pus-ridden as each other. You're all in a trap of division and conquering if you keep continuing this Red vs Blue game. I can't bear any more of it right now.


Uhm, the past 20 years is post-WWII. I didn't make any "ad homimem attacks" against you in the previous post either. I pointed out a few reasons why you might be displaying as much irrational anger as you are. I think I must have nailed it regarding the lover, because it seems I must have touched a nerve as you now seem to have come unhinged a bit (shocking: an unhinged socialist, imagine that).

I'm really amused by your comments about dropping bombs. Your "argument" is that during the past 20 years, the Obama and Trump administrations have dropped some bombs (keep in mind that is only 9.5 years not 20). The flaw of course, is that you are under this wildly wrong impression that the military just goes around dropping bombs for no reason at all. It seems (again, not surprising given your seemingly Marxist predilections), that you'd prefer the world be overrun with ISIS (or Nazi) terrorist who blasphemize the Quran for personal gain. At some point you need to ask yourself, why do you continue supporting Jihadi terrorists and why the US has dropped a single bomb at all? All the bomb droppings could stop tomorrow if those who chose to use Islam for personal gain and power would stop their nearly indiscriminate murdering.

Again, you've simply said, "don't bother responding" because you don't want to engage in a conversation, where you know you will lose the argument. But's it's self-evident that you've already lost -- and not just the argument.

You are the one who needs educating, you have a right to your opinion, but it’s my right to tell you how wrong you are in this instance.
A border less world is a dangerous world, there will never be peace amongst humans, someone will always want what you have and they’ll fight to get it. The United States has the highest standards of living even among its poor, of course the whole world wants what she has, but to what end? Our own citizens should come first and immigration is a privilege that must be earned just like my ancestors earned theirs! Freedom is not free!