The problem is not with homeschooling families, the families that elect to home school know the problem is with the public education system. The public education system knows this as well, but since they can't fix their mess they elect to screw with the families who decided to do something about it own their own. So we can expect that there will be some fall out from the Turpin Family situation with regard to homeschooling, it isn't necessary, but it is more convenient for the government to use it as a distraction, keeps people from looking into the mess that they are running and calling public education.
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Yes, this is so true! I'm glad to have you agreeing! I read a post on a friend's Facebook today that shed a lot of light into the situation. She said that a lot of families in CA had pulled their kids from public school to homeschool them because of the law requiring 100% vaccination (you must take all, not skip any) in all students. So CA is losing some major funding when these kids leave. The timing of this situation doesn't add up or the "facts" surrounding it. Why did they say they never go outside, yet there are pictures of them at Disneyland and others? I don't know what this family did or didn't do to their children, but I do know that the international mainstream media is using it to blast homeschool families. Yep, we're all the same, shoot us all.
When kids can graduate high school and not even be able to read their diploma there is a problem. That situation occurs more than people want to admit, we have a nephew that is a prime example of that, and sadly enough his mother is a school teacher. She doesn't work for the district where he went to school but for her to let that happen is stupid and selfish on her part. He's 26 now and works at a fast food joint emptying trash cans and washing down the parking lots.
Oh man! That is really sad. Definitely not good that so many teachers just passed him along, but quite true these days...