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RE: Moronavirus: Trump Calls Missing Tests "Beautiful"

in #news5 years ago (edited)

If this virus gets as bad here as in China people are going to really be turned off with you calling it the cool virus. What's going to be so "cool" about them losing their grandparents, parents, their vulnerable siblings just so you can name this after something you think is cool for all the havoc it's having on this administration? I am just telling you you may lose viewers over it just as Trump may lose voters not because anything perceived from him thus far but I am about had it with many of his supporters whether on television or blogs blowing this thing off like it's no big deal, people get the flu and die all the time. There's a big difference here in regard to the regular influenza and this virus and one being is that people at least have an option of getting a vaccine to help protect themselves. The death rate on this virus could be overwhelming and so could the backlash on those choosing to call it cool or brush it off like a typical flu virus get over it.

As far as the testing goes you can weight that on the democrats shoulders who thought pushing up against their republican rivals over the corona virus was more important. It's a well established fact democrats didn't pony up the initial 2.5 billion for preparation money...that solely lays on their backs.

Why the test aren't coming out now I do have concerns about. Or why the testing has to be sent to the makes me question if there isn't something more at play here concerning this virus they don't want people to find out, control who can see the test results you control the release of information on the virus. I am not saying that's what's going on but when it comes to government(s) truth(s) isn't one of their finer qualities. If something as such was even close to being a truth more so than speculation on my part and if I were you I'd really opt for a different word than cool. Just to give you an example you can reasonable see why I'd say that is just look at the pictures of those they took out of that hotel in China the other day that crumble down to the ground that was being used to house corona victims, those aren't old people. You know what they say about famous last words.

Trump is a germ a phobe, been like that for years. So it is possible he has an infatuation with germs that has led him to learn some basic understandings of them.


He's calling it the 'cool' virus because otherwise he gets censored on platforms like YouTube.

Try and keep up.

Duh. There's millions of words he could have chosen that reflect upon the virus as something other than that it's neat. Since we are in a crisis that word would apply more appropriately, crisis virus.

He didn't 'choose' that word, it's already in use.


'crisis virus'

That's also censored. Do you not understand how this censorship algorythm works? War, famine, disease, and everything else like that is censored. The only words you can use and avoid demonitisation are things like 'cool' or 'flippy'. It NEEDS to be unrelated, and not ominous. 'Crisis' is one of the most censored words.

Jesus, have you never been online? Listen for God's sake for a few fucking seconds, this is common knowledge. And even if it weren't, you should have asked why he would do that, rather than jumping to insane conclusions, because there's clearly a reason for it.

Don't say 'duh' when you have no idea what's going on.

I highly doubt the word crisis is one of the most censored words, you know how common a word that would be for people who do self help programs on utube. Just because someone is being uncool by giving a dangerous virus a word meaning neat doesn't mean he has to do it.

Then you're a fool. Thunderf00t god censored for having the word 'naked' in a title of his videos. 'War', 'Terrorism' 'extremist' 'epidemic', and other pedestrian everyday words are censored.
Other censored words include:


You're far too ignorant to be commenting on this. You need to talk a lot less, because your spreading this ignorance is a gross burden on society. If you bothered to look even a few seconds online you'd find proof that you're clearly in the wrong here.

You want to talk the basic's of ignorance when that title would belong to anybody who out of millions of words in the dictionary can't even find two words to call something deadly other than describing it as "cool".