I went through several of them tonight and the only thing I managed to learn is that the evolutionary period for covid is similar to ebola, zinka, which is also viruses that they have tried to develop mRNA technology for, I think the Zinka is still in a study phase. I don't know if that in any manner plays into their eye of newt mixture of it all but it was rather interesting. Which after reading in that study the origins of the virus transmitted from a single host or a small cluster of host to humans I started wondering if genetically modified mosquitos could be used to spread the virus. So if we found this to be a bioweapon chances are they aren't going to be walking around with a variant looking for someone to infect with it but releasing a cluster of infected mosquitos to get the job done...would that be a feasible thought? Look at the release of genetically modified mosquitos down in Florida a couple months back and now Florida is a hot bed of the Delta variant, I am not making claims the company that released them would do that but who knows what cover the government would find convenient to do such a thing. The insert of high transability is suppose to be within the virus itself....is it really that highly transmissible that within a short period of time a state is coated with it or are they or could they be using a vehicle such as mosquitos to make it as such.
....anyway, way past off topic there, some articles I looked at while looking for it the videos have been taken down so I may never find it.
You are clearly giving rational consideration to these issues. I cannot comment regarding mosquitoes, except to say I am unaware of any reason they couldn't spread C19 as they do other pathogens.
The censorship of open debate is one of the most harmful aspects of the ongoing totalitarian takeover of the world, because it prevents the signals of danger people need to understand that danger, and act to mitigate it.
I hope you understand and mitigate nominally.
Don't pay no attention to this comment. I am just putting you back up top so I don't have to scroll so far down to click on your name to continue my search through your articles looking for that which is probably long gone and been censored by now....I get in these moods where my attention span can take spending time upon something I was putting off doing, tonight was one of those nights.