This is one fresh off the top of dozens of articles. You have demonstrated yourself to be a heartless fuck (and I am not one to use that word but you really do deserve it) running cover for what's going to turn out to be one of the most historic cases taken to the world tribunal court, the evidence is overwhelming that is being gathered by doctors/scientist and pathologist from many different countries. Selling out human lives all so you can be big man on utube and utter words like covid, vaccines without being censored. I am going to tell you what I've relayed on other news platforms, there's going to be no one there for you when the time comes, these politicians and corporate giants can hire all the bodyguards in the world but chances are you won't make it out of your house to get back and forth to work because though you get paid well for your deception you don't get paid quite that well.
Dr. Patricia Lee, MD, a California-based ICU doctor issued a letter to both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) on September 28 in which she explains observing more vaccine-related injuries than she ever had throughout the last 20 years working in the medical arena.
In the letter, she describes observing “entirely healthy individuals suffering serious, often fatal, injuries,” her attorneys noted in a follow-up email. These include “transverse myelitis, resulting in quadriplegia, pneumocystis pneumonia, multi-system organ failure, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, post partum hemorrhagic shock and septic shock, and disseminated CMV and CMV viremia.”
In the letter, Dr. Lee points out that while she is “fully vaccinated for Covid-19,” her “personal experience this year treating patients in a busy ICU does not comport with claims made by federal health authorities regarding the safety of Covid-19 vaccines.”
Phenomenal Reporting