Is McDonald's Going out of Business?

in #news8 years ago

McDonalds Going out of Business?


“McDonald’s announced in April that it would be closing 700 ‘underperforming’ locations, but because of the company’s sheer size — it has 14,300 locations in the United States alone — this was not necessarily a reduction in the size of the company, especially because it continues to open locations around the world. It still has more than double the locations of Burger King, its closest competitor.” 



I sure hope so, but hope is a fools game :(

Well more people are trying to eat healthier and it not as popular any more. So only time will tell.

They've done a good job of poisoning the American people, now it's time to focus their energies on the rest of the world, who are not wise to them yet.

Funny just saw an article about how China is enjoying the all day breakfast. And selling franchises in China...