Why Steemit has the elite trembling.

in #news7 years ago


First, let me qualify the following statements with a background description. My ability to find and exploit weaknesses in systems landed me an incredible job working for the global elite. For seven years  I worked with the wealthiest families on this planet, behind the scenes, making sure that their “connections” were safe and secure. During that time, I saw a reality of this world that few ever see and gleaned enough information to be able to walk away from it all. 

 Nowadays, I live comfortably on a small island with my own farm and resources; as far out of the system as I can stand. I still keep some avenues open to occasionally get a glimpse of the goings-on upstairs though. Among the many things I would like to convey, the most pertinent on this platform is that the subject of Steemit has warranted its own meeting within the ranks of the elite. Let me explain some of the reasons why. 

 One of the fundamental points to keep in mind is a concept the wealthy elite have mastered and slowly monopolized since the time of King Solomon, wealth IS “life energy!” Explaining the concept in detail is another post but I can tell you that with the fog lifted, one can see how the rivers flow!

 You may have made a good trade… but then lost on another. You win some, you lose some, right? “Hold on for the long term” we’re reassured by the banks. Great,  let’s see where that plan gets folks in the next year or two…
The people on Main St. dutifully pour their hard-earned cash into investment banks on Wall Street to put into the stock market for them… and those investment banks gladly oblige, for a fat fee… which they then invest somewhere else!

The stock market is really a cunning diversion for the masses… a distraction stopping them from discovering that recessions, terrorist attacks, elections, stock market crashes… none of that means anything, as long as currencies exist the life energy flows. 

Whoever or whatever wins over the currencies defeats the system, even tax can be avoided depending on the "time frame" of transactions. The great thing about the currency markets is that it’s a 24 hour market. Cryptocurrency scares the big banks for this reason, and Steemit scares them to the bones with the ability to exchange within minutes. Time is not money! Timing is money! You can pick and choose when to use this. 

 Neither the platform nor its CEO can explain where they’re pulling revenue from. How does a platform that has no source of revenue of other than investors afford to pay out millions of dollars to its members when there’s no money coming in?   The banking elite knows how they do it, the same way the banks provide "money" for its patrons in the form of currency. A currency requires faith, OUR faith in the currency is usually all we think of but there is a flip side that Steemit exploits. An entity providing currency also has faith that you will USE it! When Larimer described major points of Steemit, speaking to CoinTelegraph he broke it down into  eight points: 

 No transaction fees. Mandatory spending. Liquidity rewards to bootstrap market trading. Everyone who provides value should get a stake. Don't ask for money, ask for time and energy. Build value for people who don't buy in or use the platform (readers). Natural marketing and SEO through producing content. Make it fun

 Of these, the single ONE that made the elite wince; albeit for a moment was...Don't ask for money, ask for time and energy. 

 I know there are many savvy and successful people who have a high level of mastery over their finances -which equates to having money or not. What you think you know about money means that you can play the game, even make some rules, but you'll never be able to change the time it takes play. 

  You may have a lot of time, or money, or energy. You may waste a lot of time, energy, or money.... compared to what?

 In the both systems, money is created out of  thought, it's just an idea that you buy something. When you purchase a bottle of dish soap, you don't actually buy the blue goop inside, you exchange some of your “life energy” for the thought of what the blue goop can do. The banking cartels have a monopoly on producing currency void of thought but with the promise of being able to use it. Steem can provide currency with the promise of thoughts which are not void of usability, and what do you do with your “life energy?” USE IT.  

It's a subtle mind twisting concept that has more implications than what appears on the surface but, the fact that Steem was able to “produce” even 1$ proves a hairline fracture in the system, and that little fracture has sent a signal to the head!
 Well done to all of the Steemians thus far, I hope that intellectual freedom and power to those of us “not in the club” will prevail. Continue to exchange, exchange and exchange some more. The more people who interact with Steem, the more it can break up the timing schemes. 

 As a last tidbit tribute to those above; when you go to deposit your checks at the bank, you know, the ones that take 2-3 business days before the funds become available. Don't deposit the check! Cash it first. Then deposit the cash into your account, cash deposits are usually available immediately!! 

There are 2 pages

Excellent insight, @sweetland. Nice to meet you.

Not one person in ten thousand understands the real source of "money."


P.S. Thank you, @stellabelle, for Re-Steeming and bringing this to my attention.

Digging for unknown gems is how i discovered Steemit.
Now I'm digging on Steemit.

Same here @stellabelle! Thanks for sharing this one hell of a gem! It's totally my kind of thing for more than one reason. Carry on digging and sharing your finds! :)

@stellabelle by anychance ya see the post I dropped in a comment with you yesterday thanks for the upvote xx

When I started reading your post I rolled my eyes. When I finished your view matches exactly what I have been telling people. Money is a belief system. We are the ones that give it value with our time and energy.

In addition when you realize that time is an illusion then it is reslly just your energy measured in time that your trading or giving away.

exactly. I came to this exact conclusion after studying the writing of Dan Larimer.
It's is much deeper than people can comprehend.

Can you link me that Dan Larimer's writing?


Loved your article and perspective on the people just doing what banks do. There's no reason we can't create our own economy because like you said it's about whether or not we have faith in it. I definitely have faith in decentralized and open platforms like Steemit. Onward and upward! Looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts.

@stellabelle nice find;). Great to get people with knowledge onto steemit. It gets tricky for the elite once they can't control the money flows anymore.



I will pay you in the form of a steemgig to hear more about your knowledge. I think your experiences would be so valuable to us. Thanks for coming in here and writing this. Wow, just wow. You made it out of the matrix, not many do.

Btw, "no transaction fees" is an obfuscation of the truth. Your Steem gets debased 0.19% everyday, I'd say that's worse than the current transaction fees of other coins

.0265% per day.

Thanks for replying. IIRC it was 0.19% in the white paper, I'm not aware if things changed, though

This is what blows my mind about the system. It's not that money hasn't been extracted from the content that we create on traditional social media, it's that the money has been extracted for the elites that govern and manipulate these platforms.

It is totally mindbending how Steemit magic's money out of thin-air, and cryptocurrency in general seems to be re-writing the rules of engagement for exchanging value. These currency's are going to change everything - I envision a blockchain utopia is on the horizon. ;)

yes, i wrote about this.....money is stored energy and Zuckerberg has the energy of billions of people in his wallet.

Very well said, I agree massively. To this topic I would like to add speech of Jose Mujica from documentary Human. If you haven't seen yet please watch the full film. The speech is here

Enjoy! @bluudz

What a charming man, and powerful message. A message as powerful as dirt, and as simple.

Amazing that he is the President of Uruguay.

The reasons he gives for not 'running in circles' are the same I have for living as I do, a carpenter. I fix or make things for people, and for all the years they enjoy their sound floor, or dry roof, I have given to them good value.

That is my wealth, and all I seek.

Thanks for posting this remarkable statement on value.

Thank you so much for this video! It's so encouraging to see someone in a position of political power who is actually 'human'------and not some sort of alien reptile--LOL!
Seriously though, what he had to say was deeply moving...

Resteeming this to 5200+ followers. :)

Love it! It's its own independent system, connected to the global. Also independent creators have total freedom without being afraid to be cut in add revenue, like we see on Youtube right now.

That was a great read mate. Really enjoyed that...

I promoted you 1 SBD of my life energy! Thanks for the great read and wonderful insight :)))

well said sweetland, thank you for sharing this .. I really relate this article..Keep it up..

"Don't ask for money, ask for time and energy."
So, it's all about it, energy, time.
Attention, intention too I would say. Humm!

I believe we need to talk.

the most pertinent on this platform is that the subject of Steemit has warranted its own meeting within the ranks of the elite.

I find it hard to believe too

good read , very informative , im new to steemit, i just love how everyone is willing to help another reach their goals! im new to steemit , this post was very helpful in making me understand steemit abit more

You have a great voice and I like the way you think! I hope you post more like this. I'm going to follow😊

I appreciate your reply, thank you, ultimately the goal is to open up discussion and respectfully expand upon
the ideas presented.

Bingo 😊 glad I am finally part of an adult community!

you are now.
Welcome to your future.

Omg I love that Gif!

Interesting take on currency. I hope you will elaborate on this soon.

You and I understand this platform on a level that escapes 99% of people. If you really want to blow your mind, read bytemaster's blog.

Could you link to it? @bytemaster has no posts.

Bytemaster is Dan Larimer, the inventor of this platform:

@thecryptofiend, @ned, @donkeypong, everyone has to read this.
This is what Dan was preparing for......:

Among the many things I would like to convey, the most pertinent on this platform is that the subject of Steemit has warranted its own meeting within the ranks of the elite. Let me explain some of the reasons why.

Great post! Makes more sense than anything!

yes, you can imagine my absolute shock to find this post.
I had a taste of the elites, a long time ago when I came into a sizable amount of money, but it was nowhere near what he's describing. However, i do know about the psychopathic desire to control society, which is how our mass media and power structures work. People don't think the Matrix is real. It is.
Once you get into Steemit, you're halfway out of the Matrix.

My sincere gratitude for your response. I am neither an expert nor an insider on the affairs of those at the top of the pyramid. I simply know what I saw and know what I did. Having been witness to the stranglehold and systematic manipulation of so many, I knew I didn't want to be counted among the many. I felt the frustration and disbelief that most of us would, but being who I am ...I didn't feel trapped, and just waited patiently for opportunity.
That's the reason I'm here, opportunity;
If any of what I write helps people who feel stuck move forward by guiding them to see other possibilities in their lives, I am humbled with hope.

I saw a tiny bit when i was 18 and had found myself working for Elite, the modeling agency. I came into a sizable amount of money very quickly, and this changed my social circles. The level of greed I witnessed was very disturbing, then i also began meeting the mega millionaires, the mafia, etc. I could see pretty clearly that I didn't want that life, because I saw what it did to people. They stopped seeing poverty as having anything to do with themselves, and their worries reflected a vapidness that I found distasteful.
I left that world and many others, but like you, i didn't feel trapped. I knew i could leave it. I've left many other worlds behind too.....but i did find myself poor only a few years ago, and that phase almost did me in. I will never forget poverty. It was my greatest lesson.

are you planning on writing about what you saw? I for one would be really interested in this.

Halfway out of the matrix... I feel relieved to hear that. Actually I'm glad to be following you I've learned a lot through your posts. Thanks!

giving your time and creativity to those who sell it to advertisers is a bad idea.
Steemit is the future.


I like the way you write. Steem on.

I look forward to hearing more of your perspective on the elite's views of the platform. Followed, keep it up.

Great viewpoint on money, interesting to look at it through this lens. I would also suggest a movie from 2011 entitled "In Time", which is set in the near future and time is used as currency. Perception is everything, especially when ours is only backed by promises from government.

Steem has an infinite resource our mind. That scares the controllers who want to control our mind. Because once we realize our thoughts are worth a penny, then how many thoughts can we come up with.

Good cash flow tip. Back before the Check 21 Act in the US (law allowing banks to clear electronic versions of checks rather than physical checks), I had a co-worker who would go through her book of personal checks when they got a new box, and use an eraser to smudge the MICR strip at the bottom which contained the ABA and bank account number.
After she wrote the check and the payee deposited it, the bank MCIR reader couldn't read the strip and they had to process it manually, gaining about 7-10 days of float.

It's amazing what people figure out to do with different systems!

Hello @sweetland! Thanks for sharing this really well written blog! I enjoyed reading it. The subversive potential of this platform is truly amazing. I take it as a good sign that some people at the top of financial elite feel a bit worried about its existence.

" In the both systems, money is created out of thought, it's just an idea that you buy something. When you purchase a bottle of dish soap, you don't actually buy the blue goop inside, you exchange some of your “life energy” for the thought of what the blue goop can do"

Money is not different than magick (my lifelong passion). The same applies to the legal system.

In Ancient Babylon people used to eat a meal and anoint each other with oil when signing a contract such as purchase of property. The meal was cursed. If any side broke the deal the curse was believed to be active. Certainly they also had way to follow up on broken deals and did not rely purely on 'supernatural agency' to sort things out. Anointing with oil was also used to void contracts. It was a symbolic act to mark the agreement and its resolution. It worked and it did so because people agreed to that.

One way or another human society always has been constructed using power of the mind and thought. Why shouldn't we explore new, better models of functioning. If we all agree that something has value then surely it does! It takes each and every one of us to consent to the system to make it work. Giving our energy and time to it is the best proof (and the source) of its value. :)

It's a beautiful day when given the chance to connect with people like yourself. Thank you.

You're welcome. :)

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How interesting to learn that financially savvy folks at the economic top are paying attention to Steemit. There is so much more to money than people often think about, as you make so clear here. Steemit's transaction speed and lack of cost seem so important. I hope an market for using Steem develops, too.

Really good insight. Thank you for sharing!

@sweetland rightfully so and what an amazing post keep up the amazing work really enjoyed it viva la steem

such an ominous title lol. I like

reiterates the age-old motto "time is money"

This is interesting and crazy!

Hello @sweetland! Very deep thought. It is necessary to comprehend all this.

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Thanks for the insight. steem is a collection of ideas and perspective. that is where you earn money.

Nice article, very informative. Thanks @sweetland upvote and follow you

Wow, that's the way to steem! Your life sounds mega cool... you are living the way you want to, well done. Not many people achieve that :) Thank you for this eye-opening article. Upvoted and following!

Interesting post, Thank you.
I will think about it and you ...

❤❤❤. Awesome

The concept of "life energy" is an interesting one, reminiscing of ancient esoteric teachings, things like Chi or Ying/yang, vril or even the force. The concept of mining the self, as opposed of other entities mining your life force is one that is being introduced by cryptocurrencies. Steemit as we know is just the beginning, people are waking and realizing that your time and life has real value, and that value can be quantazied and monetized. For hundreds of years systems were put in place to control your "life force"/" time" sadly by other humans, now those systems are being disrupted.

Thank you for your post

May the Steem Be with you!!

u deserve a medal

interesting. very interesting :)

That is a gift from everyone who help you reach your success in reality, you are a freeman in your own world you built your life on.

Very enjoying post.upvoted.follow back

Awesome post, @sweetland. Thanks for sharing!!

This is true~~


Thank You Sweetland. I needed to remember these things today. Thank you @Stellabelle for sharing this on twitter. Thank you @Steemit and @Zappl and everyone here. All will be well. But you might never know how much I needed to see this, read, and remember this today.

probably I lost something in your post, something probably implied. That is the fact that Steem, as other cryptocurrencies, have values because there are people who exchange it for national currency (taking fees). This is possible because the market believes that Steem can works, has good prospects in its business. What its business? As far as I understand, that business - and the reason for tha market says that steem as a currency has value - is a technology, the Steem blockchain with its qualities: speed, scalability, security.
I don't think, honestly, that the social activity around Steem (very little, till now) is the reason for the market exchanges actual USD for Steem. The technology is that reason. A technology that can in the future replace the old one, the one currently used for transaction in national currencies all around the world.
Am I wrong?

There are 2 pages