##Profile of Fatwa

in #news7 years ago

Name: A. M. Fatwa
Place, Date of Birth: Bone, South Sulawesi, February 12, 1939
Position: Member of DPD RI (2014-2019)



  • Islamic University Lecturer Prof.Dr. Mustopo (Beragama), Jakarta (1964 - 1965)
  • Head of Sub Directorate of Community Development Directorate of Politics DKI Jakarta Special Staff of Religion and Politics Jakarta Capital City Governor Ali Sadikin (1970 - 1977)
  • Special Staff of the Minister of Religion (Tarmizi Taher) (1996 - 1998)
  • DPR from Reformasi (1999 - 2004)
    Engagement in the Organization:
  • Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives from the Reform Faction
  • DPR from PAN (Partai Amanat Nasional) (2004 - 2009)
    Engagement in the Organization:
  • Member of Commission I of the PAN Faction (Partai Amanat Nasional)
  • Member of Commission II of PAN Faction (National Mandate Party)
  • DPD from (2009 - 2014)
  • DPD from (2014 - 2019)


  • Founder / Founder and Declarator of the National Mandate Party (PAN)
  • Members of the Indonesian Islamic Youth Movement (GPII) in Bone and Sumbawa (1954)
  • Leader of Pandu Islam Indonesia Team (1954 - 1959)
  • Member / Council of Advisors of the Association of Families of Indonesian Islamic Students (PII) from the level of the Commissariat, Branch and Executive Board (1957)
  • Member of the Military Youth Cooperation Agency (1958-1961)
  • Member of the National Front for the Liberation of West Irian, Sumbawa (1958 - 1959)
  • Member / Vice Chairman of Institution Hikmah Pimpinan Pusat (1959)
  • Expert Team of Muhammadiyah Central Leaders from Branch, Branch / Region and Central Leadership (Lembaga Hikmah) (1959)
  • Members of the Commissariat, Branch and Executive Board of the Islamic Student Association (HMI) (1960)
  • Advisory Board Member KAHMI (1960)
  • Student Member of ALRI Office (1960 - 1963)
  • Member of Central Youth Front (1961 - 1962)
  • Member of the Military Cooperation Board (BKSPM) (1961 - 1962)
  • Chairman of ALRI Commisariat Jakarta (1961 - 1962)
  • Chairman of the Senate Student Corps Candidate of ALRI Officers throughout Indonesia (1962 - 1963)
  • Secretary of Islamic Youth Organization of Indonesia (1962 - 1963)
  • Secretary of the Union of All Indonesian Muslim Youth Organizations (Porpisi), Central Confederation Organization (1963 - 1964)
  • Chairman of Student Senate Ushuluddin / Da'wah and Member of Student Council IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta (1963 - 1964)
  • Members of the National Front Center (1963 - 1964)
  • The signing of the Declaration of the establishment of the Joint Secretariat of the Working Group (Sekber Golkar, Representing Elements of Youth-Students (1964)
  • Executive Board of Islamic Higher Education Foundation (PTDI) East Java Coordinating Board (1967 - 1969)
  • Imam of ALRI Army (1967 - 1970)
  • Chairman of the 5th Institute of Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran Development (MTQ), Jakarta (1972)
  • Secretary of Islamic Dakwah Corps of DKI (1973)
  • Founder and Chairman of LP MTQ DKI Jakarta (1973)
  • Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Yayasan Putra Fatahillah, which operates in the Education Field of Kindergarten and Kindergarten Teacher (1973)
  • Coordinating Agency of PTDI Jakarta (1973 - 1977)
  • Secretary I and Member of the Commission for Islamic Students Islamiyah Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) of DKI Jakarta (1975 - 1979)
  • Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Agency for Amil Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqah (Basis) of DKI Jakarta (1976)
  • Chairman of Coordination of Islamic Da'wah (KODI) of DKI Jakarta (1976 - 1979)
  • Group Secretary Hajj Discussion (1976 - 1979)
  • General Secretary of the Muslim Charity Council, Organization of Confederations of Central-level Islamic Society (1976 - 1977)
  • Chairman of the Islamic Policy Institute Samanhudi (1977 - 1978)
  • Founder and Board of Trustees of Pondok Karya Pembangunan Foundation (1977)
  • The founder and the Basic Concept of Organization and Institutionalization of MTQ National to LPTQ National (1977)
  • Secretary and Signatory of Working Group (Pokja) Petisi 50 (1980 - 1984)
  • Chairman of II Corps Mubaligh Indonesia (1983 - 1984)
  • Orsat Adviser and Advisory Board of Central Executive of ICMI Orwil DKI Jakarta (1993)
  • Founder of P3SDM Foundation (Center for Human Resource Development and Training) (1994)
  • Chairman of Mubaligh Corps of Muhammadiyah DKI Jakarta (1997 - 1999)
  • Chairman of DPP PAN (1998 - 2000)
  • Caucus Member November 11 (2000)
  • Chairman of DPP PAN (2000 - 2005)
  • Secretary of Amil Zakat Nasinal Board (Baznas) (2001)
  • Advisory Board of IAIN / UIN Alumni Association (Ikaluin) Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta (2002)
  • DPP Family Harmony Counselor South Sulawesi (KKSS) (2002)
  • Board of Trustees of Yayasan Asrama and Pendidikan Islam (YAPI) Al-Azhar Rawamangun (2002)
  • Vice Chairman of MPP DPP PAN (2005)
  • Vice Chairman of the Honorary Board of ESQ Alumni Communication Forum (2006)
  • Advisor to the Family Association Sospol / Kesbang DKI Jakarta (2006)
  • Founder and Chairman of The Fatwa Center (tFC) (2008).


  • Books: For the sake of the Revolution, now for the sake of Development: Exception in the Court. Publisher: YLBHI, Jakarta (1985)
  • Books: For the sake of a regime, democracy and religious belief prosecuted (Summary of Defense in Court), Publisher: First Print: Gramedia, Jakarta (1986)
  • Book: I live and practice Pancasila Precisely I am a Muslim: Thesis Release from Prison. Publisher: Bina Ilmu, Surabaya (1994)
  • Books: Islam and the State. Publisher: Bina Ilmu, Surabaya (1995)
  • Book: Sues from the Prison Room: Political Letters AM Fatwa. Publisher: Second Matter: Teraju (Mizan), Bandung (1995)
  • Book: From Pulpit To Jail. Publisher: Mirzan, Bandung (1999)
  • One Multiparty Islam. Publisher: Mirzan, Bandung (1999)
  • Book: Sued from the Prison Chamber: Political Letters AM Fatwa. Publisher: First Print: Prima Netcom Inaya, Bandung (1999)
  • Books: For the sake of a regime, democracy and religious belief prosecuted (Summary of Defense in Court), Publisher: Second Matter: Gramedia, Jakarta (2000)
  • Book: Theist Democracy: Constructing the Integration of Religion and Politics. Publisher: Gramedia, Jakarta (2001)
  • Books: Regional Autonomy and Democratization of the Nation. Publisher: Yarsif Watampone, Jakarta (2003)
  • Books: PAN Lifting the Harkat and Dignity of Man. Publisher: Intrans, Jakarta (2003)
  • Books: Campaign of Political Parties on Campus. Publisher: Gramedia, Jakarta (2003)
  • Books: From Cipinang Ke Senayan: Notes of the Legislative Reform Movement and Activities to ST MPR 2002. Publishers: Intrans, Jakarta (2003)
  • Book: Continuing the Reform of Building Democracy: The Trace of the Indonesian Parliamentary Step 1999-2004. Publisher: Rajawali Press, Jakarta (2004)
  • Book: Problem of Poverty, Zakat as an Alternative Solution. Together: Djamal Doa and Aries Mufti. Publisher: Teraju (Mizan), Jakarta (2004)
  • Books: Notes from Senayan: Final Memory of Duties in the Legislative 1999-2004. Publisher: Intrans, Jakarta (2004)
  • Book: Sues From Prison, Political letters AM Fatwa (2004)
  • Books: PAN Telling the New Era: Reorientation Thirst. Publisher: Republika, Jakarta (2005)
  • Book: Ad Hoc Human Rights Control Tanjung Priok: Truth Disclosure For National Reconciliation. Publisher: Dharmapena, Jakarta (2005)
  • Book: Presenting Moderatism Against Terrorism. Publisher: First Print: Blantika, Jakarta (2006)
  • Book: Presenting Moderatism Against Terrorism. Publisher: Second Print: Blantika, Jakarta (2007)
  • Books: Khutbah-Khutbah Politik A.M. Fatwa in the New Order. Publisher: Suara Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta (2007)
  • Book: A Decade of Reform: Hope and Reality. Publisher: the Fatwa Center, Jakarta (2008)


  • Well Performed Men and Women of the Year 2003 Award from Indonesia Lestari Foundation (2003)
  • Indigenous Charter of Paksi Unity Pak Skala Brak (Old Kingdom in Lampung) with Tumenggung Alip Jaya Degree (2003)
  • Insight of Radyolaksono and Notohadinagoro's Name from Pakubuwono XII (2003)
  • Title Kanjeng Pangeran (KP) from Surakarta Hadiningrat (2003)
  • The Longest Pledoi Writer in the Court (1118 Pages) from the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) (2004)
  • Most Productive Legislator Writing Books from MURI (2004)

He questioned the steps of the Corruption Eradication Commission prosecutor who from the beginning presented doctors at the hearing.
"What's their business? They have prepared at least provoking that Mr. Novanto will get sick or something, so that's the purpose for the abortion,"