What Happens In Vegas pt. 2 Update

in #news7 years ago (edited)

January 19, 2018-

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In this short update we are now hearing rumors that Sheriff Joe Lombardo wants police radio encryption in the aftermath of the Route 91 Las Vegas massacre on October 1, 2017 just 4 short months ago. The simple reason why is that independent journalist who recorded and listened live along with thousands of others heard everything that was going on that night. This of course, has lead to contradictions in the story being presented to the public by Sheriff Lombardo. If it wasn't for these radio transmissions being on the open air waves we wouldn't even got 1/10th of the information we have about that night. Whether you like Laura Loomer or not, whether you find Intellihub a reliable news source or not, they are getting information that nobody else is coming close to.

So since the police narrative has been questioned by a lot of people from the start because what the public was allowed to listen too the night of the Route 91 massacre.We now see from Laura Loomer that Sheriff Lombardo wants to encrypt radio communications by the police in Las Vegas. That way nobody can question the narrative based on the police's words over public radio systems. Why should we question the police, they are our friends, of course. They protect and serve the community of Las Vegas and we should all praise them for that. The seedy underworld of gambling and casinos rules Vegas they are losing money because of this deal and they desperately want to return to normal Vegas programming. This just nails down the whole point of what happens in Vegas, will never escape Vegas again

It is just another way to shut down independent press, so MSM fake news from newspapers local news affiliates to cable crap news channels can control the complete narrative of these daytime drama events. We the people end up accepting it because the same narrative gets chirped out by everyone in sync. More to come with Vegas as Laura Loomer, Jake Morphonios, Charlton, Intellihub and many, many others who have followed this story from the start. Another shout out to According to Joe Youtube channel, check him out, great information on Vegas by him. That is all for now. We will see as more news starts to leak out.

