
That's not what I said.

However, I do not sympathise with someone who acts like a man-child despite having the most serious job. Answer this: is the death of one evil person a negative thing if their death stops the world from becoming even more worse of a place than it currently is?

Well I do not care for the mans manner but I and many others support his policies. The death of one evil person? I am going to assume you are referring to Donald Trump. Was the death of Saddam or Kaddafi so great for the world? I will argue that keeping those evil men alive would have been better for the world than the chaos left behind in the wake of their deaths. I do not share the opinion that Donald Trump is evil.

And what if they were assassinated at the first signs of their horrific, anti-liberation agendas? We could have very easily dodged the outcome of their much later deaths once people finally had enough.

I totally agree with you that assassination can be a good thing under certain circumstance but this widely varies on who you talk to and what they deem acceptable.

Of course it can depend - but when there is a 'leader' that is only making life harder for a large portion of people PLUS is okay with further killing our environment, I think it's fine.

Well I totally disagree with you. In my opinion Donald Trump is doing a great job.

Did you know that unemployment has continued to fall?

Well put! You have broached an unwelcome topic. It's heartening to see this approach on steemit. As you can see my vote carries little kudos, given, perhaps, that I have been broaching unwelcome topics. Personally, I would wish that you keep up this tactic, over time there may be enough of us to swing the medium around so that it begins to acknowledge that writers once inflamed and provoked public consensus. Keep up the good work :)

Thanks. The public is always slow to make changes until the majority starts to swing a particular way.