The world's fifth largest economy Is about to require solar panels for all new homes

in #news7 years ago

The world's fifth largest economy Is about to require solar panels for all new homes

  • California, as the independent state of the world's 5th largest economy, may become the first government in the world to require the installation of solar panels for the construction of a new home. This could be a giant step forward in the transition to renewable energy.

  • On 9 May, a vote will be held in the California Energy Commission. Here it will be determined whether the installation of solar panels is mandatory when building a new house. If the law is approved, this will cover all houses, condos and apartments of at least 3 stories high and will start from 1 January 2020. (Exceptions for buildings in the shade)

  • Today only 15% to 20% of houses in California have solar panels. The obligation to install solar panels increases the cost of a new home with $ 25,000 $ 30,000. But experts agree that this extra cost will be recuperated by the lower energy bill.

  • Owners of a new home could save $ 50,000 to $ 60,000 over a period of 25 years, or twice as much as the extra cost at the construction.

The economic strength of California


  • California, as the 5th largest economy in the world, can push its rules through to the industry. The American state, for example, already made sure that car manufacturers started producing more efficient engines because the standard in California was higher than elsewhere in the world.

  • Despite Donald Trump's "no" to the Paris climate agreement, California is fully pulling the map of renewable energy.



More people should be reading your reports.

thank you, maybe some day