Fuck off you idiot. People took a little pleasure in seeing a guy get punched. That's a fucking incredibly far cry from cheering someone's death on twitter.
Meanwhile here's a nice quote from the snowflake who couldn't handle a single punch from an anarchist.
The asshole has advocated for genocide. I don't know about you but to me killing millions of people because they are a different color is a little worse than one punch in the face from you "Non Aggression Principle" idiots.
Newsflash: You aren't better than other people because you lack melanin.
"The asshole has advocated for genocide. I don't know about you but to me killing millions of people because they are a different color is a little worse than one punch in the face from you "Non Aggression Principle" idiots." - prove it. You are the idiot getting your cues from mainstream media. Talk about killing millions? Look into Communism...
Communism has literally nothing to do with this. Genocidal maniacs occur regardless of communistic tendencies, and Spencer has literally advocated for genocide.
But to a Hitler worshipper like you genocide is on par with a "punch" in the face.
Ahh, so the hundreds of millions of Russians, Pols, Germans, and etc who were murdered by Bolsheviks don't get the ok since they weren't Commie's like you? You're the genocidal maniac. You're wishing hate and hurt onto other people. How does it feel to live in a world filled with such hate, and want for murder?
Yep, I have. Bolsheviks have nothing to do with this conversation whatsoever but you keep bringing them up.
Do... do you just think everyone who doesn't praise Hitler is a Bolshevik? Is that it? Are you that fucking deluded?
LOL, what a troll.
You're the only one bringing Bolscheviks into the conversation.
We were talking about Richard Spencer, remember? No one here is a bolshevik, we just don't like hearing people advocate for the murder of an entire race.
Is it really that hard to understand?
You REALLY need to look into history... oh boy...
You can't even hardly spell, Bolshevik. How is anyone to take you serious?
I was drunk, but if you're going to try and gain points on your opponent's spelling mistake you should make sure you use better grammar than a 6 year old.
Lies... all lies.
All lies? So you're stating you're better than other people because of the content of melanin in your skin?
Nice try at censorship with downvoting me too. Almost as if youre afraid of people seeing the truth.
Again. Lies. And you keep filling people's mouths with your own lies. I've never said anything you're stating.
I downvoted you because you're a fucking idiot.
You didn't say "all lies?" BEcause that's right there in the parent post. And even if you edit it the words are still in the blockchain. Sounds like you're lying. And of course you'd resort to ad hominem to cover your deceitful tactics. Can't admit censorship.
Guess what though, it's obvious to absolutely anyone who reads this thread. You're censoring the truth.
" even if you edit it the words are still in the blockchain" yes, thus I can't censor your, idiot. But I can flag you because you're an idiot, and on my own posts I have that right. I wouldn't flag you if you spoke truth... all you speak is stupid/MSM lies... How about getting back to my proof on Richard? You can't do it... because you're a liar.