Newspaper reporters (especially investigative journalists) do a good job, and are the only things standing in the way of corrupt government. Cable TV news programs, on the other hand, tend to be crud ... 30 minute news magazines that are white washed and vapid.
So the real culprit here is the American corporation. Corporate managers always cite as their defense that they have a "fiduciary duty to protect shareholders" and maximize profits. But that's a disingenuous statement, since corporations can and will screw their investors if it benefits the excessively paid "executive managers."
Look at why all of the US cable TV news programs covered Trump so heavily and overwhelmingly during the 2016 campaign, but let others wallow in a desert of no-coverage. They did it because anything that creates a spectacle will make people watch, thereby increasing their ad revenue. Trump was a clown ... a total sideshow ... so TV execs couldn't get enough of him. They hoped for people to tune in and watch the train wreck, and that's exactly what they got. It didn't matter to them that Trump was a wreck of a human being: a college graduate who was dumb as a brick and hated to read, a wealthy "businessman" too stupid to make any sense out of a company's balance sheet, an adulterous philanderer who played sick games to sleep with friends' wives, an ignorant racist who took out a full page ad in the New York Times trying convict five black people of murder who were innocent of any crime. The thought that this parasite could possibly win the most powerful political office and cause great harm meant nothing to deter the greed of cable TV executives.
"Newspaper reporters (especially investigative journalists) do a good job, and are the only things standing in the way of corrupt government."
That's fair, as is the rest of what you wrote here... But you said 'media' and 'News', not 'journalists', and
"Cable TV news programs, on the other hand, tend to be crud ... 30 minute news magazines that are white washed and vapid."
In other words: you think the majority of the news is fake. Congratulations, you're one of us.
Edit: That second paragraph... do you not know what fake means? I don't mean to be mean, but you've got some very deviant understanding of the English language.
I'm not going to dignify that rudeness with a response. Learn to have an intellectual debate without clinging to argumentum ad hominem as a crutch.