As Iran Drops the Dollar, US Court Orders Them to Pay $6B to Victims of 9/11—Despite No Evidence

in #news6 years ago

By Matt Agorist

 On Tuesday, a federal judge in New York ordered Iran to pay $6  billion to victims of the 9/11 terror attacks. This ruling comes despite  the fact that none of the hijackers were Iranian citizens, and despite  the fact that no direct link was ever found between the 9/11 attacks and  Iran. 

The court found Iran, the country’s central bank, and the Islamic  Revolutionary Guard Corps liable for the deaths of more than 1,000  people in the September 11 attacks. District Judge George Daniels ordered Iran  to pay “$12,500,000 per spouse, $8,500,000 per parent, $8,500,000 per  child, and $4,250,000 per sibling” to the families and estates of the  deceased, court filings say. 

How, exactly, the court came to this decision remains a mystery. A  total of 15 of the 9/11 perpetrators were citizens of Saudi Arabia,  while two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Egypt, and  one was from Lebanon. 

Exactly zero of them were from Iran. Even the 9/11 Commission, tasked with investigating the attacks, found no evidence of direct Iranian support. The  only mention of Iran in the report says that certain 9/11 hijackers  traveled through Iran on their way to Afghanistan, without having their  passports stamped.

This is not the first time such a ruling has happened either. Daniels  issued other default judgments against Iran in 2011 and 2016.

 Iran has not responded to the any of the rulings. Last year,  however, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif dismissed such  accusations as ridiculous. “A record low for the reach of petrodollars: CIA & FDD fake news  w/ selective AlQaeda docs re: Iran can’t whitewash role of US allies in  9/11,” he tweeted last November.   It is important to point out how highly suspicious the timing of this  ruling is. 

It comes at a convenient moment as neocon war hawks push for  war with Iran and as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu begins  saber rattling with the regime, claiming that they are lying about their  nuclear program. 

What’s more, Iran recently announced it  is dropping the US dollar in foreign trade. 

It should be noted that  shortly before they were invaded by the US, Iraq did the same thing.  Libya also announced its plans to drop the US dollar whose leader was  then murdered and dragged through the streets as NATO-led allies  launched a bombing campaign, turning the oil-rich nation into a  terrorist wasteland of rubble and carnage. 

Almost immediately after Muammar Gaddafi’s murder,  the US-backed rebels in Libya formed their own central bank and were  given leave by the US and the UN to legally sell oil from the lands  which they confiscated. 

Comedian Lee Camp breaks down this paradigm quite accurately in the video below. “It’s all about the banking.”  

To recap, as the war drums beat for Iran who recently announced their  decision to drop the dollar, a court implicates them in 9/11 despite  having no evidence, and the media simply reports it without question.  Seems legit. It is also important to point out that the US does have evidence that Saudi Arabia aided the 9/11 attackers,  and in spite of thousands of victims and their families attempting to  sue them for years, a ruling similar to the Iran one is non-existent. 

As TFTP has previously reported, thanks to the release of the 28 pages,  Americans and the rest of the world now know that Saudi Arabia played a  significant role in the September 11th attacks. Also, thanks to the  release of 28 pages, we know that the US government was complicit in covering up Saudi Arabia’s role in the attacks.

 Even the severely flawed and biased “9/11 Commission Report” did  not did not “exclude the likelihood that charities with significant  Saudi government sponsorship diverted funds to Al-Qaeda.” For a decade and a half, Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush  kept secret the alleged role Saudi Arabia played in the September 11  attacks on America. 

Because of the cozy relationship the US has with the  terrorist nation—which Trump is complicit in maintaining—special  interests within the government have chosen to protect their Saudi  friends instead of telling Americans the truth about what happened that  fateful day. And, as this ruling against Iran illustrates, they show no intention of changing their ways. 

 We are the Free Thought Project — a hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability. All of our content was created by our team of artists and writers. Learn more about us on our website


If the US court order to pay that amount and hold the Iranian responsible of that, I wonder how much money they have to pay for their murders in Irak and in Afghanistan?? If they ask this amiunt of money for just around 1000 people, How much will charge them for million people they killed in the world??

The US government is special, and can't be held responsible for the actions of its agents domestically or abroad.

On a more serious note, the taxpayers always pay for everything done by a "government," despite the lack of any real representation. Even in an alleged democratic republic like the US, representation is a myth, and more so in Iran where the US and UK actively overthrew a democratic government. But governments are funded by theft.

Anyone who can't see through these childish blatant lies by the US government is truly lost.

Thanks for your very important and revealing post as usual @freethoughtproject. Iran is the Zionists next target. That is clear at this point. Meanwhile, western and Gulf State powers along with Israel have been supporting al-Qaeda all along, particularly in Syria and Libya.

Chronicling Western Media Exploitation of Syrian Children: UK's Channel 4 News Portrays White Helmets and Nour al-Zinki Terrorists Who Beheaded 12 Year Old Boy As Ordinary Farmers and Factory Workers

This reads a lot like Iranian propaganda.

Sometimes facts look like propaganda when it doesn't match your viewpoint. Please point out the propaganda.

For one " the fact that none of the hijackers were Iranian citizens" is irrelevant. Yet they go on and on about it as if it is.
"certain 9/11 hijackers traveled through Iran on their way to Afghanistan, without having their passports stamped."

Sounds like Iran was complicit at the very least, if not supportive.
"the terrorist nation"
doesn't read as propaganda to you?

The only quote I can find about "the terrorist nation" is referring to Saudi Arabia. Also, if a "court" finds that a nation is culpable and complicit in an action, then I would say that their country of origin has merit. If "certain 9/11 hijackers traveled through Iran on their way to Afghanistan, without having their passports stamped" is a gamechanger for the courts, then I fail to see it. The post is referring to the 911 commission report for the previous quote, not the "court" ruling. I need more facts from you to corroborate your charge of Iranian propaganda from this post.

If there is evidence of Iranian involvement in 9/11, cite it. Burden of proof is on the accuser.

All governments are corrupt, destructive usurpers. The US, Iran, Israel, Russia, the UK, it makes no difference. They're all organized crime on a massive scale. But specific accusations of specific crimes still require specific evidence.

Have the transcripts from this trial been released? I assume they presented some evidence and apparently they met the burden of proof in a court of law. There must have been a preponderance of evidence.

This was a default judgment. Both sides were not heard. Don't you think that might have been a little biased, since only the US government provided input? Maybe to make the boogey man out to be someone they have been trying to go to war with? Maybe to deflect attention from the US role in the criminal act of 9/11?

I think they didn't put up a defense because they knew they were guilty.

You have far too much blind faith in the court system, and you still need to show actual evidence instead of appealing to authority.

Evidence like what?

That's your business as the one making the accusation. Financial records, training history, travel, SOMETHING of substance. You can't provide it. Accusations are not evidence in and of themselves.

lol, yes let me access my database of Iranian financial records and training histories.

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Saudi Arabia Got Away With Attacking USA

I'm not a fan of Michael Moore's destructive ideologies. But everyone has their gold. I think Fahrenheit 9/11 is an excellent documentary that everybody should watch. It had some great info.

they lowered the tension with northern korea something strange, everything seems that Trump canceled the nuclear agreement with Iran, the action of Iran to move away from the dollar is defiant the United States will not allow it or try to prevent it but we are in other times the United States is no longer the first economy in the world and has many debts

Total insanity!

The first casualty of war is the truth.

This will be used as a context for war, among many other false reasons.