It is official. The deep state has admitted that Trump is now under their control and it is now business as usual — just like it was under Bush and Obama — and just like it would've been under Hillary.
For those who don't remember, with the help of mainstream media—from The New York Times to Fox News—after 9/11, Americans were duped into accepting endless war by George W. Bush thanks to a constant bombardment of lies sold to the masses under the guise of "protecting freedom." All one needs to do to realize no freedoms were protected by these wars, in which thousands of Americans died and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were slaughtered, is look around today.
With every action recorded, phone tapped, innocent family surveilled, right stripped, and citizen killed by their government, the term "Freedom" has become a mere symbolic representation of the brittle shell of America left behind after being gutted by unelected operatives in the deep state hell bent on total control and perpetual war.
Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and other neocons hailing from the notorious Project for the New American Century (PNAC), co-founded by neoconservative extraordinaire, William "Bill" Kristol, had their agenda of military hegemony clearly laid out, years before 9/11 which Bush would implement for them perfectly.
After Obama promised to end the wars, he quickly fell in line and started several more. And now, this very same thing is happening with Trump.
The deep state neocon/neolib faction has become so successful at shifting the narrative toward irrelevant infighting that no one even notices when their candidate gets into office and does a 180 on damn near every promise they made — Trump included. Here are just two powerful examples of Trump selling out to the deep state.
Saudi Arabia. Before Trump was elected, he admitted that he knew Saudi Arabia funded 9/11. Now, as the world finds this out, Trump gives them hundreds of billions in weapons and calls them our allies.
Afghanistan. Before he was elected, Trump was vehemently opposed to the quagmire in Afghanistan and called it "stupid," "wasteful," and "dangerous." Now, just like his predecessors, he's doubling down and send thousands more troops into an unwinnable war in which they will kill or be killed only to come home with PTSD or worse.
Dare we say, "We told you so"?
While many had faith that Trump would keep his promises, the fact is that all presidents are puppets and no matter who is in office, the shadow government always wins.
The deep state is so brazen, that the founder of PNAC actually took to MSNBC this week to admit they've finally gotten a grip on Trump.
After Trump made his UN speech, promising more war and to annihilate the millions of citizens in North Korea if they should make one wrong move, Bill Kristol himself went on MSNBC to praise him for it.
Kristol said Trump “sounded a little like George W. Bush to me” and that “for all of Donald Trump’s America First talk and repudiation of the Bush-McCain-Romney foreign policy,” it came across as “more standard,” even with the “Trumpian aspects.”
Kristol openly admitted that yes, Trump ran on a non-interventionist policy of peace and actually criticized Bush and Obama for their senseless wars, but now he is just like Bush. But it gets worse.
As to why Trump now sounds like Bush, according to Kristol, it's because the deep state has officially attached their puppet strings.
“The people around Trump have gotten more of a grip on Trump, I think, in foreign policy, than I would have expected… This is a more normal speech by an American president than I might have thought three, four months ago,” said Kristol.
And just like that, on live TV, the neocon of neocons — who is an unmistakable member and policy writer of the deep state — said that Trump is now a puppet whose very strings are pulled by the Swamp he promised to drain, yet never did.
Yes, this is the same Bill Kristol who just two months ago called Trump a Jackass.
It's not just the neocons who've noticed Trump's transformation into a deep state neocon puppet either — lots of us have — including former Congressman Ron Paul.
"Who would've thought?" Paul noted before epically explaining Trump's hypocritical transition.
Trump bashed W. and the Iraq War relentlessly during his campaign.Now, the very same people who brought us the Iraq nightmare are giddy with excitement.
Neocons like John Bolton and Elliot Abrams are so happy to see this new Trump.
Today, the king of the warmongers Bill Kristol says Trump “sounded a little like George W. Bush to me”.
The people who have never been right, and have done unimaginable damage to the United States of America are gearing up to take us back into the abyss.
Donald Trump is their new W.
Welcome to the deep state Donald Trump, we hope you enjoy selling out your base.
Will America finally see through the puppet game and realise that both parties are part of the status quo? Were there any significant differences between Bush/Obama/Trump? Let's hope next election cycle the mass of Americans don't support the two major parties and in the meantime seek alternat
Bill Krystol IS Deep State, President Trump IS draining the swamp, huge OP going down now! #QAnon
The deep state does not have a grip on Trump
So if Bill Kristal says it it's true?
If Bill Kristol—who wrote the script for the US foreign policy over the last two decades in the PNAC documents— isn't calling trump an asshole and instead switches over to praising him for being like W, damn straight it holds water. Go back and read the PNAC doc. It outlines everything the US has been doing since 9/11. It was written years BEFORE.
Cause that can't an op or anything
Bill is bashing Trump yet again for his Alabama speech last night. Wow that lasted less then 2 days. It's all a show
maybe....BUT, also convincing YOU they have him in control is part of their plan to get him under control while making you feel resistance is futile....
God bless Trump!
I so hope this is not true... Granted Trump is most likely deep state as no one becomes POTUS without being deep state. it was just a nice feeling to think that maybe we stood a chance and things were going to change.. Wishful thinking I know... At this point all we have left is prayer... I mean how much does the Alternative media have to expose before they make an arrest...
If brains were made of plastic trump wouldn't have enough to make a budgerigar a pair of flip flops. perfect for a puppet and thats what he is Rothschild's toy.
You are in for one big surprise, President Trump IS draining the swamp now, MUCH is happening, the bulk of the American people have no clue 'history is in the making' thanks to his promise to 'Drain The Swamp'! Want to know what's really going on? QAnon!
Trumps New Executive Order/Part 2/Big Take Down
Just watched the video, because your claim Trump is draining the swamp, now, sounded so ridiculous and is so contrary to the facts so far. Good eye. I don't know what this means, maybe going after political opponents, but again, President NWO Trump is in so deep in the Establishment swamp, it'll take Secret Service & U.S. Coast Guard Search & Rescue to find him.
This recently from The New American Magazine, publication of the John Birch Society, which, btw, I and others claim has been infiltrated:
In yet another swamp victory, the Trump administration has decided to re-nominate a radical LGBT activist and Obama-era holdover for commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) — a bureaucracy that shouldn’t even exist.
Then there's this:
And remember, the CFR is the Establishment.
I thought there was even another article from the JBS about Trump's new TPP negociator being a CFR member?
Doubt the Establishment's worried; he ain't draining much.
Don't forget this, about the champeen swamp-drainer himself:
shows a major lack in brains when you call smart people stupid.....or, you are just trying to sway others....which are you?
Neither. I see a lack of brains in Trump. I don't prefer Hillary, if i was American I may have abstained from voting through lack of anything like a decent option.
You could not be more wrong, a "liddle" at a time we'll try to bring you up to speed.
Ready when you are.
Isn't 'deep state' code for 'unverified source'? Disclaimer: I do not support any of the criminals doing business as 'government'.
negative, Kristol is the definition of deep state. Ron Paul and TFTP have warned about this far before it became a talking point..
You dont "win" the election unless you play Freemason ball. Once in u cant check out and u cant say no or u "commit suicide."
that is what they "sell" you on to make it more true...
Trump is a Freemason, but he is a white hat. The white hats have been planning this take down of the black hats and their murderous, pedophile kind for decades. It's happening.
Hi, speaking about Trump: @Bibitcoin
The deep state has a hold on Trump like I have a hold on a Daschund puppy covered in Crisco. This guy's a wild card. On one hand he's sending out WWIII tweets and on the other he's getting judicial appointments run through at blinding speed. It's not "normal" for government for someone to be so results oriented that he's willing to look clownish to get it done but that's Trump. Think about it - Do people honestly believe that's the only haircut he can afford? He keeps it because it's so clownish that it's unforgettable. He knows that by making himself unforgettable, he's expanding his own name recognition. He basically hacked the Google search "logarithm" of the analog world to the point that only his last name always means him. You can certainly not like the guy and I wouldn't blame you for it, but don't dismiss him. Pay attention to what he does because he's got some things figured out and a government employee who's been able to collect a paycheck his whole life sitting in the shadows has no idea how to catch up.
I'm an older guy -- 58. The term "deep state" is relatively new. I wonder how the "shadow government" feels about the "deep state". The "shadow government", for those new to the term, is the part of the government that is responsible for all the ccover-ups such as alien technology, alien abduction, JFK assassination, cover ops in other countries that our leaders dont' know about and must have deniability in, etc. NOT to be confused with this new thing called "deep state". "Deep state" means different things to different people and is just a vague term for the paranoid. To a Trump worshiper, "deep state" is that illuminatia cabal that runs the world and is embedded into our government, media, entertainment industry. To the racists, it would be the Jews and the Masons (read up on the propaganda instrument called the "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and how it was created by Russian intelligence officers way back before WWII). This notion of pointing to a vague group, called the "deep state" will eventually lead to scape-goatism and the US governments ability to PURGE certain undesirables from the ranks of the FBI/CIA/NSA/DOD, and so forth. This is just an extension of Trump's desire to have a loyalty oath, which is very much the way a dictator handles dissent. This is NOT the way the USA used to be. You could be in the FBI and disagree with the leader, and that would be good, healthy, a check-and-balance. So what does "deep state" mean actually? To me, it is a bogus term -- and more of the same in terms of propaganda, paranoia, and scape goatism. In the USA we are against that sort of stuff. Aren't we?
lol, well concocted argument to have Trump keep swamp monsters....the loyalty oath he seeks is the one we vets gave and it's to the US and it's constitution....
Please upvote friends ....
Some posts ........ @nasirjulok
This is tongue in cheek right, 45 is handing the deep state and the pedophiles their ass. Good times we are living in, we should be honored.
LOL....So laughable, the McCabe firing is just the start. Her is the low hanging fruit that will only help in bringing down the deep staters and their pedophile rings. Patriots rejoice.
God knows everything better #trump #reality