Mueller Probe Accidentally Exposes FBI Cover-Up of Saudi Role in 9/11

in #news7 years ago

Further deteriorating the propaganda surrounding the government's probe into alleged interference by Russia in the 2016 election, recently discovered court documents have just revealed that the person leading the investigation, Special Counsel Robert Muller, was complicit in covering up Saudi Arabia's role in 9/11. Not only did Mueller cover for the Florida Saudi family but, according to the documents, he released intentionally deceptive statements to muddy the official investigation.

The new report, released by Florida Bulldog is nothing short of bombshell.

According to the CIA’s database, 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, and when they first arrived in the United States, nine of them arrived in Florida.

As TFTP previously reported, Florida Bulldog, a team of investigative journalists that has spent years probing the connections between the 9/11 hijackers and Saudi Arabia, sued the FBI in 2012 for details on the ties between the hijackers and a rich Saudi family that mysteriously left all of their belongings and abandoned their luxury home in Sarasota, Florida, just two weeks before the attacks. The lawsuit led to the release of materials from a 2002 FBI report, which found “many connections” between the Saudi family and “individuals associated with the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001.”

The idea that a federal judge would go from supporting a group of investigative journalists and pushing for transparency, to supporting the FBI and insisting that protecting the location of a security camera was worth covering up the funding of the 9/11 attacks, may seem bizarre—but it is a common practice under all administrations.

As Judicial Watch reports,

Under Mueller’s leadership, the FBI tried to discredit the story, publicly countering that agents found no connection between the Sarasota Saudi family and the 2001 terrorist plot. The reality is that the FBI’s own files contained several reports that said the opposite, according to the Ft. Lauderdale-based news group’s ongoing investigation. Files obtained by reporters in the course of their lengthy probe reveal that federal agents found “many connections” between the family and “individuals associated with the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001.” The FBI was forced to release the once-secret reports because the news group sued in federal court when the information wasn’t provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The disingenuous statements were issued by FBI officials in Miami and Tampa in a desperate effort to disparage a 2011 story exposing the agency’s covert investigation of the Sarasota Saudis as well as reporting that it had been concealed from Congress. Mueller is referenced in a document index that was ordered by a federal judge to be created in late November 2017. The south Florida judge, William J. Zloch, a Ronald Reagan appointee, asked the FBI to explain where it had discovered dozens of pages of documents in the public-records case filed six years ago. The index reference to then-FBI Director Mueller appears in an item involving an agency white paper written a week after the publication of a news story about the abrupt departure of Saudis Abdulaziz and Anoud al-Hijji from their Sarasota area home about two weeks before 9/11. The couple left behind their cars, clothes, furniture, jewelry and other personal items. “It was created to brief the FBI Director concerning the FBI’s investigation of 4224 Escondito Circle,” the al-Hijjis’ address, the index says.

Though the recently filed court documents reveal Mueller received a briefing about the Sarasota Saudi investigation, the FBI continued to publicly deny it existed and it appears that the lies were approved by Mueller. Not surprisingly, he didn’t respond to questions about this new discovery emailed to his office by the news organization that uncovered it. Though the mainstream media has neglected to report this relevant development, it’s difficult to ignore that it chips away at Mueller’s credibility as special counsel to investigate if Russia influenced the 2016 presidential election. Even before the Saudi coverup documents were exposed by nonprofit journalists, Mueller’s credentials were questionable to head any probe. Back in May Judicial Watch reminded of Mueller’s misguided handiwork and collaboration with radical Islamist organizations as FBI director.
What's more, under Mueller's leadership, the FBI purged all anti-terrorism material deemed "offensive" to Muslims in an attempt to grovel and give in to multiple radical Islamist groups.

As The Free Thought Project has reported, Trump is also complicit in covering for the Saudis, as he went from calling for holding Saudi Arabia accountable for its involvement in 9/11, to ignoring the idea that the country could have had any involvement at all.

After months on the campaign trail, in which he pledged that if he was elected, Americans would “find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center,” Trump made Saudi Arabia the first foreign nation he visited as president of the U.S.

Trump’s visit with Saudi King Salman occurred on May 20—just four days after Judge Altonaga ruled that the FBI should face a Freedom of Information trial in an attempt to pursue transparency surrounding the funding of the 9/11 attacks.

During the visit, Trump announced plans for a $110 BILLION weapons deal with Saudi Arabia, which adds a new level of context that should be considered when looking at why Altonaga then reversed her decision on June 29.

Now, Americans are told we must believe the outcome of these "investigations" into Russian interference as the man behind them has been exposed as complicit in covering for the people responsible for the deadliest terror attack ever carried out on American soil.


This looks to me like a red herring.

Perhaps this is an attempt to "expose" something that might distract from what they are doing currently (for instance the re-authorization of laws that infringe on our freedoms).

Yup. Mueller character assassination. To be fair to Mueller, we don't know what he was "ordered" to do by his superiors. FBI has a chain of command, and Mueller wasn't the TOP of the food chain.

I'm not sure about these sources but it's pretty well known that the U.S. government has covered up Saudi Arabia's role.

Yes. But the next question to ask is WHY? Could it be that these Saudi operatives were working by order of the royal family, and that the royal family was working with Bush/Cheney to intentionally do this -- as a favor? The cover up, I'm speculating now, is to maintain good relations with Saudi Arabia, because we have such a mutual dependency in terms of buyer/seller of oil. If the FBI established the royals were involed, they have hit a brick well and everything beyond that point is above the FBI pay grade.

FBI deals with domestic issues. It's the CIA that deals with foreign issues such as terrorism so you can't point the finger only at the FBI.

As for motivations, maybe they thought that in order to continue having leverage over Saudi Arabia, they would have to cover this up. It's possible that the Saudis who were involved were linked to the Saudi government but not directly part of it as well.

America and their stupid politicians

One of the big problems that many people have in understanding the state of politics in the United States is that they get trapped in the false paradigm of binary thinking. This is true both because people have been conditioned to believe that politics and political philosophy are divided between two "sides", and that you have to be on one side or the other. There is absolutely no contradiction in believing that Trump and most of his team are a bunch of corrupt, amoral scumbags and that Mueller is a corrupt, incompetent, authoritarian member of the police state. Those of us who have paid close attention over the years know Mueller bungled countless investigations during his tenure at the FBI, perhaps most spectacularly during the anthrax investigation, where his ineptitude led to the deaths (through suicide) of more than one innocent suspect.

It is possible (and I would argue intelligent and informed) to take the position that Trump is (and has always been) an extremely corrupt tax-dodger who may well have engaged in money laundering and other crimes while also believing that the FBI is corrupt and engineered the Russian conspiracy nonsense in order to ensure his belligerence towards Russia and to discredit his presidency. These are not mutually exclusive ideas. Just because Trump is probably a criminal and willing to do criminal, underhanded things doesn't mean that he is a Russian spy or that he conspired with the Russians to leak the secrets of the corrupt DNC to the world. That Mueller is digging up crimes of money laundering, tax dodging, and stupidity (talking to the FBI without a lawyer - let along lying to them) on the Trump crowd has absolutely nothing to do with the election. Anyone who thought that a thorough look into Trump's past (and the pasts of his corrupt crew) wouldn't turn up crimes was delusional. That has nothing to do with the fact that the FBI and various other police state agencies and their cronies (like Mueller) aren't a far greater danger to the integrity of our country and our democracy than Russia, Trump, or anyone else.

I know little bit story behind the 9/11 story and it's the responsibility of CIA but he does very informative post to know more about 9/11.Thanks for sharing such a great information with us

CIA doesn't operate domestically and CIA does what its told. Are you saying it was rouge CIA, committing treason? Or are you saying someone ordered the CIA to help with the 9/11 op and/or cover-up. Saying it was CIA is way to vague. But in terms of the above, it would get Robert Muller off the hook.

Good and informative post.

I find it somewhat hilarious that Trump is potentially persuing the very people who funded his election. Horrid, yet satirical.

Lock him up! Lock him up!

Can you say eye opener...#speechless

I think that is not so true as they present us. I think they have show us just one side of the story. Such valuble informations never get out to the public with 100% truth.

Hy all please up vote my post i am newbie in steemit
Thank for up vote

Judicial Watch is very respected organization that presses for truth and transparency off all government.

Wonder how long it will be before he hear of this on any MSM source.. a week, a month?

So many people are still oblivious to the insane government cover up behind 9/11, I don't understand how anyone who, if they actually sat down and took time to research, would conclude the government narrative of how 9/11 is true. What a joke!!!!

How the F do pass ports magically land at an FBI agents foot.. what a joke.

Why do the news outlets we watch and read everyday do not post this publicly? We hear the news only on side most of the time but never the other. But why?

What role did the Saudis played in the controlled demolition? The Saudis thing only seems like a big diversion in the bigger picture of things.

I have always had my theory on the attack and just how much the government and airlines knew. The airlines were aware of something back then... I was flying back from a family wedding and on 9/9 (maybe 9/8) was stopped at the airport for my pocket knife in my carry on bag. The nice security agent (a sweet little old black lady) said "it is something new we have to start looking for." . Those words will forever be burned into my memory.
Also, that airport had a TON of plain clothes military types there that day, which this was a small airport I was flying out of back to Boston.

yeah. They were running a drill. That is one of the "mysteries" about 9/11. Why did it happen the very day the drill was happening?

@tftproject I appreciate the story but in the words of Hilary, 'At this point, what does it matter anymore?' Seriously, someone, I'm really asking here...

Mueller is a plant why would an investigation go on with absutely no evidence ... was a misdirection ... hahaha popcorn ready

Plane hits building, bursts into flames, passports fall to ground... while everything else destroyed... without any burn marks, i don't know if its an inside job, but i certainly have some hard questions, there are many inconsistencies in the events that unfolded, and i want to know why, whatever the truth may be.

If your in the mood for something a bit out of the ordinary, check out my latest post on The Man from Taured and hey follow back if you get a chance.

And let's add Las Vegas to the Saudi list of problems!

good post sure

upvote me sure please...please..