WATCH: Students Report Multiple Shooters & Mass Shooting Drill at Florida High School

in #news7 years ago

Parkland, FL — Multiple students have since come forward after the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida on Wednesday with details that raise some serious questions. These students have reported that a mass casualty drill was scheduled that day as well as at least one other student reporting multiple shooters.

It is important to point out that we are not claiming what these students are saying is true, however, we feel that their points of view are certainly newsworthy.

In one chilling account, a high school student not only told reporters that she witnessed multiple shooters, but she also explained how she was talking to the suspect, Nikolas Cruz, as she heard rounds being fired down the hall.

Alexa Miednik told KHOU-TV journalist Matt Musil:"The fire alarm went off and the principal came on the speaker saying 'everybody needs to evacuate right now,' so that’s what I did."

"As I was going down the stairs I heard a couple of shots fired, everybody was freaking out saying that it was a gun," explained Miednik.

"As we were walking, the whole class together, I actually was speaking to the suspect Nikolas Cruz," said Miednik, as she made quotes with her fingers when saying 'suspect'.

"And as I was speaking to him he seemed very – I don’t know what the word is – he was trouble in high school. So I actually joked to him about and said, 'I’m surprised you weren’t the one who did it.' And he just gave me a 'huh?’," Miednik said.

After this incredible account, Miednik went on to explain that she was absolutely sure there were multiple shooters.

"So, you were walking down the hall with him?" asks the reporter. "Weren't you scared?"

"In the moment I wasn't," replied Miednik. "because there was obviously...definitely another shooter involved."

"Oh, you think he was not the only one?" asks the surprised reporter.

"No, definitely not," replied Miednik.

"Why do you say that?" the reporter asked.

"Because when shots were fired, I saw him after the fact. The shots were coming from the other part of the building. So, there definitely had to be two shooters involved," she explained.

According to police, there was only one shooter—Cruz—who is currently in custody.


On top of the report of multiple shooters, there were multiple reports of active shooter drills happening the same day.

It has not been confirmed that a drill was planned—other than a fire drill that morning—but students said they'd heard a 'rumor' that they would have to take part in a 'code red' practice exercise.

"I thought, 'I don't know if this is real or fake,'" Kelsey Friend explained to CNN.

"We had rumors going around the school that police would do a fake code red with fake guns but sounding real," Friend explained to reporters. "I thought, at the beginning that this was all a drill...until I saw my teacher dead on the floor."

Another student, Will Gilroy, reportedly said that students at the high school in were told there would be an active shooter drill at their school this week. He said that's why students thought they were participating in a drill when they were evacuating.

Again, it is important to point out that we are merely reporting on eeyewitness testimony and not drawing any conclusions from their statements. However, the reason it is important to report this—outside of the obvious one that the mainstream media is not—is the fact that it is highly suspicious and raises questions like, did Cruz know there were be an active shooter drill that day?

Were the second shots as described by Miednik part of that drill?

If Cruz did know about the rumored drill, who told him?

All these questions and more need to be asked in order to get a clear image of why so many innocent people were killed. There is nothing "tinfoily" or "fake news" about them, it is simply important to leave no stone unturned.


Another blatant shooting hoax, just a live drill with a few crisis actors. nothing more.
What's surprising is that arms sales skyrocket after each of these mass shootings. I think the silent majority know these events are staged by the Government to introduce new gun control legislation.

This is such a tragedy. I wrote a poem about this, titled "An Open Letter to the United States of Guns", but no matter how much we talk about it, or how much awareness we raise, without a blanket ban on guns, we ain't gonna achieve much.

What another load of total bollocks!

As with all American false flags, the first Q is not was it a false flag (yes they all are) - it's was anyone really killed or are all the deaths fake as they usually are?

Before I heard about this I predicted a big false flag attack, there are way too many people getting way too much attention in the deep state.

Thanks for sharing, its getting to the point i dont even bother about these shootings there are so many then turn out to be drills its ridiculous. It sounds very similar to the dunblane shooting here in scotland. Supposed lone gumman discharging several rounds and reports of 2 shooters ending in uk wide firearms ban . I had watched the video earlier on fbook of the girl saying there was 2 but didnt know there was a drill planned, thats very interesting thanks x resteemed x

Interesting stuff, just saw this 50+ year old terrorism expert have a break down on CNN and cry like a baby. You'd figure a grown adult who is an expert on terrorism might be able to hold it together. Looks quite odd, to say the least.

I'm always wary of CNN's crying antics due to the CNN reporter who cried during airing of the video of the boy in the orange ambulance which turned out to be based upon a fake news story related to the White Helmets terrorist propaganda ruse in Syria.

All the world is a stage


I no longer bother with stories from MSM, Please see my posts on Marked for Death...this reeks of gun control all over it. Show us hard evidence if it really happened...
Use the Trivium method folks, neutralize the enemy's tactics. Ask questions!
Who, what, when, where, why, & how?
Why is there ALWAYS A DRILL going on the same day??
Go read the Iron Mountain Report.
Perpetual war= perpetual debt slavery
"war on terror"= never-ending war= massive profits for mass murderers!
It takes two to tango!
Q:How can you win a war with an unseen, undefined enemy?
A: You can't! It's not meant to be won, it's meant to be SUSTAINED!

Fear and Terror= Time tested

At his arrival was very nicely done, great job! Very informational

Just checked back on this post and noticed the video of the blonde girl saying there were more than one shooter has been removed :( x

Events are played out to turn the culture in favor of giving a Legal Avenue to disregard the rights of the people.
I reject these lies, and I reject these emotional manipulations of the Citizenry of the United States of America. We the People as a whole are now seeing these mind control attempts with Eyes Wide Open!
Fear and terror is the path of the Dark Side, We See The Truth and its Light is Growing!
Do you realy not see that these are False flag staged patsy events?
Watch closely how the local Law Inforcement, Fire Rescue, and EMT's responed.
When its a goverment operation all will stand down.
From Sandy Hook to MSD HS in FL ... standard Rescue procedures are not followed and real witnesses are hushed.
When safety drills are planed to be conducted the same day and the Rescue Hero's don't go in ..... its a staged event.
Dont be so Naive, Shut down the emotional minpulations use to block your rational thought ... your being so played
When your grandchildren ask why you did nothing as the freedoms of America were being taken away what will you tell them? "The TV Told Me Not to .... and That's Where All My Opinions Derived From" ??