Those of us who are switched on know how these things operate. This group for whatever reason is now being "normalised" because our great leaders (being sarcstic here) have deemed that they now serve a purpose for them.
As you suggest the Al-Queda boogeyman just wasn't frightening people enough anymore. That's what happens when you reuse a brand too much. There were just too many sequels and people got bored with it.
So now we have the new bad guy "ISIS" - bigger, crazier, more dangerous. People don't even need to join them to join them. They are so scary that even you could be an ISIS terrorist and not even know it (OK so that is an exaggeration but you get the point).
This is terrorism theatre and it is used to keep us in such fear that our corporate and political overlords can keep us distracted enough to keep stealing our money and curbing our freedoms, whilst we cower in fear in our self-created home prisons.
This is nothing new.
Let's just forget that Al-Queda was a creation of the CIA ( - no that is terrorist talk!) I wouldn't be surprised if certain government agencies didn't indirectly support ISIS and help bring it to prominence.
It could be considered an investment for them after all and it is certainly paying off for them now.
Far fetched? Maybe but I don't put anything past the fascist sociopaths who run most of our countries.
good to find you again, cryptofriend.
same gang here that invented 'demon' mary jane.