Most Alt Media Is Still Making One BIG Mistake

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Most alt media is still making one BIG mistake to spite all their good work. You are still not covering the alt political people and ideas ... Donald Trump Donald Trump Donald Trump Obama Obama BushBushBush... How often has the alt media said these words compared to the list below ...!!! If the word Trump is said thousands of times and the list below NEVER mentioned .... are you really part of the solution or just more of the same...
Libertarian Party
Green Party
Constitution Party
Various parties calling themselves Independent or Independence parties
Working Families Party
Reform Party
American Delta Party
Natural Law Party
Progressive Party
American Freedom Party
American Party
Better for America Party
Conservative Party
Ecology Party
Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis Party
Justice Party
Labor Party
Legal Marijuana Now Party
Liberty Union Party
Moderate Party
Mountain Party
Peace and Freedom Party
Prohibition Party
Socialism and Liberation Party
United Citizens Party
United Utah Party
Unity Party
Veterans Party
Women's Equality Party
Working Class Party


Nice Headline, I thought about it before I clicked. I came to the same conclusion. The alt media spouts, all the time, that the "orange furor" is there to distract us....yet they keep their attention on him.

Don't let these assholes live rent free in your mind, they're already rich.

Nice post. Smooth sailing!

Thanks refiberglassing the back deck and new deck coat ... Down to the last year of working then retire and set sail ... refit is going well. Got my crew together ... an odd bunch but what would one expect . They are my friends lol ! I think we might have to do our own alt media channel and only concentrates on these alternative ideas and people ... there seems to be a void that needs filling.

Maybe you can be private coast guard for seasteading communities. Get an old cannon. Hat...parrot/monkey....

The more alt-media the better. Honesty is always in short supply. Another set of eyes another perspective.