We The People Cannot Allow This To Go Unanswered

in #news8 years ago (edited)

This is another example of how the MSM is clearly in bed with the deepstate. Imagine this sort of revelation coming out 3 years from now that Trump White House officials were spying on the 2020 Dem front running candidates campaign workers- using the most powerful surveillance gathering capability to gather political dirt? Yet this story seemed to come and go- this is bigger than Watergate yet the MSM of course gives Obama and his fellow co-conspirators a pass.

This is absolutely unacceptable and all participants must be held accountable in criminal and civil court. Any Trump campaign workers that were spied upon by Obama/Rice and company should file a civil lawsuit so that discovery will reveal the extent to which the Obama administration used the national security apparatus in order to gather political dirt.

From NY Post article........

The FISA court called it a “very serious Fourth Amendment issue” that NSA analysts — in violation of a 2011 rule change prohibiting officials from searching Americans’ information without a warrant — “had been conducting such queries in violation of that prohibition, with much greater frequency than had been previously disclosed to the Court.”

A number of those searches were made from the White House, and included private citizens working for the Trump campaign, some of whose identities were leaked to the media. The revelations earned a stern rebuke from the ACLU and from civil-liberties champion Sen. Rand Paul.

We also learned this week that Obama intelligence officials really had no good reason attaching a summary of a dossier on Trump to a highly classified Russia briefing they gave to Obama just weeks before Trump took office.

Source - http://nypost.com/2017/05/26/how-team-obama-tried-to-hack-the-election/

Where is the public outrage? How can we allow this to occur? Do we not see that this is one of the first steps in establishing a political party dictatorship where the first party who dares to illegally use the surveillance gathering capabilities of the government to keep their party in power? Fortunately this wasn't successful this time but don't fool yourself- this sort of illegal surveillance could very well determine an election in the future if this is not dealt with thoroughly and properly.

One way of stopping this from occurring in the future is a full blown investigation followed by prosecutions and civil lawsuits. Unfortunately it seems as if that isn;t happening- instead- due to MSM complicity- it appears to be a dying story.

Be warned Americans if we allow these criminal acts to go unanswered we should fully expect more of the same in the future which will certainly hasten the death of this Republic. I'm absolutely disgusted that the Obama administration would engage in this sort of illegal, 4th amendment violating activity and I wish everyone else was too. Time to WAKE UP America!


This will probably never change because people just don't care

For the most part, people don't even know because the media tells them what's important. But many people don't care enough to go beyond that and look into things themselves.

A good story to always go back to is "1984" :)

You are absolutely right - there's a vicious civil war being waged by the Marxists controlling the Democratic Party and the statist media, and if you aren't pissed off yet, you are not paying attention.

"Don't want to be an American idiot" it got almost no views. Similar to "Why won't Hillary us go away". I figured Steemit had more younger people looking for answers as to why their future was looking grim, but I fear it's too late for most and the only way they'll wake up is when the SHTF and they realise they've been had. Good luck to them.
Sorry for the rant. You are Upvoted and followed.There is no outrage because the average citizen is already beyond normal help. The silent outraged "majority" are, in a lot of cases too afraid to speak up for fear of being branded racist, homophobic, tin foil hat wearing women hating Russia lovers by the insane, Soros funded lunatic SJW's the Democons are pumping out of college campuses with worthless qualifications in gender studies! The only way to turn the tide is start by to de-funding the corrupt media so they can't keep brainwashing the youth. Take a look at my blog at @tremendospercy