Daily Rabbit Hole #384 | Sacha Baron Cohen's show copies entire posts from Reddit

in #news7 years ago

  1. MSM collected lies
  2. Press spins Burger King “Pink tax” as success
  3. Sasha Cohen “plagiarized” reddit poster
  4. Letter to save James Gunn font page of Reddit
  • comments from DailyRabbitHole.com

YouTube mirror:


~~~ embed:conspiracy/comments/92v8cy/sasha_baden_cohen_literally_plagiarized_my_911/ reddit metadata:fGNvbnNwaXJhY3l8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL2NvbnNwaXJhY3kvY29tbWVudHMvOTJ2OGN5L3Nhc2hhX2JhZGVuX2NvaGVuX2xpdGVyYWxseV9wbGFnaWFyaXplZF9teV85MTEvfA== ~~~

~~~ embed:conspiracy/comments/64z8zd/my_911_theory_based_on_researching_as_much_as_i/?st=JK6YIUSW&sh=19ab3847 reddit metadata:fGNvbnNwaXJhY3l8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL2NvbnNwaXJhY3kvY29tbWVudHMvNjR6OHpkL215XzkxMV90aGVvcnlfYmFzZWRfb25fcmVzZWFyY2hpbmdfYXNfbXVjaF9hc19pLz9zdD1KSzZZSVVTVyZzaD0xOWFiMzg0N3w= ~~~

https://www.truthbrary.org/9-11 https://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2018/07/24/james-gunn-disney-huston-huddleston-marvel/ http://dailyrabbithole.com/index.php/2018/07/28/daily-rabbit-hole-383-alex-jones-banned-from-facebook-pensmore-mansion/#the-comments https://imgur.com/a/vIf8vwn

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You sound amazing tonight! I love snarky Ed!!!

MSM who⁉️ ED no one even watches MSM anymore . They’re literally going to be extinct . LOL 😆 . James Gunn must be thoroughly investigated for possibly being a PEDO . And not because of what he tweeted . Sasha Cohen is such a piece of SHIT that I didn’t even know he was still alive . I thought for sure the ILLUMINATI would have suicided him by now to cash him out on some insurance policy so they could cut their losses . PINK is a communist color , so Booger King better be very careful . Some of us were trained to kill comies . And ALL OF YOU please stop believing mainstream science ❗️They are bought and payed for too like the politicians . There is NO GLOBAL WARMING ❗️It is the entire SUN thats warming up . Look it up ❗️All the planets including their moons have lost their ICE CAPS ❗️The suspected reason from real scientist is that the age equation mainstream scientists use to figure out the age of the universe IS WRONG❗️The universe is much older therefore our SUN is much older . So its not %33 through its life ❗️Its possibly %67 through its life , and before she dies she is going to swell up like a balloon 🎈, and incinerate every planet and moon in this system . Thats the real secret the ILLUMINATI are protecting is that we have to move . But even more bazaar is that we’re not from here . We are the E.T.s ‼️ CERN is the stargate they’re hoping can get us all back to ORION our home star system . Why do you think the pyramids are placed the way they are❓Thats so we never forget where we came from .

I agree 100%, MSM is such a fucking joke. We shouldn't even be watching it in order to make fun of it. All that does is draw people's attention to the absurdity of the fake news.
Quite a joke these MSM clowns are, now we have fake news stories about fake news stories. If we want and desire the truth, we must seek it out on our own