- MSM collected lies
- Press spins Burger King “Pink tax” as success
- Sasha Cohen “plagiarized” reddit poster
- Letter to save James Gunn font page of Reddit
- comments from DailyRabbitHole.com
YouTube mirror:
~~~ embed:conspiracy/comments/92v8cy/sasha_baden_cohen_literally_plagiarized_my_911/ reddit metadata:fGNvbnNwaXJhY3l8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL2NvbnNwaXJhY3kvY29tbWVudHMvOTJ2OGN5L3Nhc2hhX2JhZGVuX2NvaGVuX2xpdGVyYWxseV9wbGFnaWFyaXplZF9teV85MTEvfA== ~~~
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You sound amazing tonight! I love snarky Ed!!!
MSM who⁉️ ED no one even watches MSM anymore . They’re literally going to be extinct . LOL 😆 . James Gunn must be thoroughly investigated for possibly being a PEDO . And not because of what he tweeted . Sasha Cohen is such a piece of SHIT that I didn’t even know he was still alive . I thought for sure the ILLUMINATI would have suicided him by now to cash him out on some insurance policy so they could cut their losses . PINK is a communist color , so Booger King better be very careful . Some of us were trained to kill comies . And ALL OF YOU please stop believing mainstream science ❗️They are bought and payed for too like the politicians . There is NO GLOBAL WARMING ❗️It is the entire SUN thats warming up . Look it up ❗️All the planets including their moons have lost their ICE CAPS ❗️The suspected reason from real scientist is that the age equation mainstream scientists use to figure out the age of the universe IS WRONG❗️The universe is much older therefore our SUN is much older . So its not %33 through its life ❗️Its possibly %67 through its life , and before she dies she is going to swell up like a balloon 🎈, and incinerate every planet and moon in this system . Thats the real secret the ILLUMINATI are protecting is that we have to move . But even more bazaar is that we’re not from here . We are the E.T.s ‼️ CERN is the stargate they’re hoping can get us all back to ORION our home star system . Why do you think the pyramids are placed the way they are❓Thats so we never forget where we came from .
I agree 100%, MSM is such a fucking joke. We shouldn't even be watching it in order to make fun of it. All that does is draw people's attention to the absurdity of the fake news.
Quite a joke these MSM clowns are, now we have fake news stories about fake news stories. If we want and desire the truth, we must seek it out on our own