I am backing this video up here, because I could not find it on YouTube, and want to record it for historical purposes.
In this video - CNN doxxes old woman, including her name - and address - then ambushes her at her home.
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I am a South African and I support American patriotism. If America fall to the elite scum banking cabal we all fall. So I will support any American who is a patriot as well as President Trump. Were one go we all go.
Highly rEsteemed!
Shocking... sorta... it is CNN.
Aaahhh the blockchain. How lovely it is. YouTube has been one a rampage deleting videos about the school shooting and these type of subjects. Nice work getting it to “The Chain”.
When videos are found of importance on YouTube they need to be brought to “The Chain”
Don't you see? There are no Russian Involved!

I finally made it here, like old days of youtube playing full clips, adding music