Obama's birth cert revised in Adobe Illustrator 9.0

in #news7 years ago

Recently a YouTuber (Chucko Comics) found that when they opened Obama's official birth cert in Adobe Illustrator 9.0 they got a set of layers. I obtained a copy of the program and then tried to repeat the methodology.


Check out Chucko Comics video here: "brad new proof of forgery . . . obama's birth cert. Revisted":


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Thanks for sharing this. Never knew about the adobe layers.

When I brought the topic of the birth certificate, as described by the sheriff report, to one of my friends, he vehemently denied all credibility of the report. Said it was sponsored by the NRA, and it was refuted by congress and in the congressional records, so I shouldn't agree with racist propaganda against President Obama. Honestly, I didn't know how to respond. Where I live, if you say anything that contradicts mainstream, you're likely to be be shamed as ignorant to take away the value of anything factual you say.