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RE: I Abandoned Antifa For The Identitarian Movement 👍

in #news8 years ago

So who cares? The guy went from the fake far left to the fake far right. It's still fake, it's still the two party paradigm.

Furthermore I am not surprised you are interviewing a Pro Zionist right winger. Seems to be your new role.


Exactly, I offered to shed light on the anarco-communist aspects of the anti-fa but didn't get a response.

When do we get reports from the other side of the dialectic?

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are just symptoms.
We can see which side is favored by Luke.

It is frustrating isn't it?

Well, I had hopes that he might be the white whale, but it is looking like he is just another slave looking to embrace his mental conditioning because escaping it requires that he do scary uncomfortable things.

Maybe he will redeem himself.
Maybe he will present both sides.
Maybe we will be surprised, he can still live stream from a squat at any moment.
And, maybe we will be confirmed in our suspicions that he isn't ready to break free from the crab bucket, just yet.

Speaking of, when do you interview the anti-fa?

I mean, Franklin does a good job of it, has for many years.