Orwellian indeed. I hope that someone will be able to keep a copy of Tommy's video.
Interestingly enough, before I watched it, the following notice came up:
"YouTube Privacy Warning
YouTube (owned by Google) does not let you watch videos anonymously. As such, watching YouTube videos here will be tracked by YouTube/Google."
This certainly was not the first "controversial", "subversive" etc. video I have watched, but it was the first time I encountered the warning that I am being tracked. Of course I've never had any illusions, but the threat attached to such warning makes it much more obvious that we are entering a reign of Terror, in the French Revolution sense of the word.
That the Guardians of Law and Order would invoke a false pretext to throw Tommy into the paddy wagon is shocking inasmuch as it is an overt perversion of justice, but to be brazen enough to do so in full daylight and while being filmed is downright flabbergasting.
We are witnessing the deeds of a fascist state, and I applaud you for speaking up about it so eloquently. This is a time when we have to hold on to our convictions and have enough self to be able to withstand the mindfuck we are subjected to.
Tommy Robinson and Julian Assange are being held hostage in plain sight, and I am wondering if it isn't high time for action before our freedom, our very humanity are taken from us irretrievably (if it hasn't already).
Of course, then we'll be accused of "breaching the peace", "inciting to violence" or whatever legalese they come up with to justify gagging us, and we'll end up in the slammer and be silenced ourselves, which is not much help either.
Personally, I find it hard to find my way out of that conundrum. The only solution I can think of is to write to my MP or my representative. Only kidding.
Maybe something that might work is for all of us to take to the streets in our own cities across the globe at the very same time with Free Assange and Free Tommy Robinson and Free So-and-So signs, so the MSM might actually have to pay attention. Maybe I'm only dreaming and there is no way out of this nightmare.