Last Night's White House Correspondents' Dinner Was A Disgrace

in #news7 years ago


Comedian Michelle Wolf ridiculed the women in the Trump White House, personally trashing White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders. Michelle the Dark Spirited Wolf is a self-identified Democrat filled with hatred.

To be a self-identified Democrat these days you must have some of these traits:

  1. Authority Issues - Stems from: Why don’t you love me Daddy? The government is big brother paranoia. You can’t tell me to say the Pledge of Allegiance, etc... The government is censoring me.
  2. Intelligence Issues - Liberals argue based on emotion rather than logic or reason. When cornered in a debate, they automatically attack the messenger or ignore the facts when confronted with reality.
  3. Hatred Issues - many liberals Hate with a capital H. They hate the USA, they hate the military, they hate corporations - you know... the things that made America into the most free, most successful country on Earth.
  4. Faith Issues - many Democrats don’t believe in God. They view religious people as hicks with a mythology fixation. If you don’t believe in God then there is no consequence for your actions.
  5. Moral Relevance Issues - Hey, you don’t question my perverse lifestyle and I won’t question yours. They believe the USA is an occupier, an empire, and equate our troops as terrorists and terrorists as freedom fighters.
  6. Racial Issues - Democrats tend to be racists. They believe that minorities NEED their help and incapable of bettering themselves without public assistance. They then take minority groups for granted in elections by demanding party loyalty for the trillions in public welfare programs they lavished on them over the past 4 decades.
  7. Lastly, and most sadly; Democrats only provide criticism and not solutions to issues affecting Americans.

In the end, our accomplishments and behavior will determine our contributions to society. Sarah Sanders will be remembered well. Those who only tear down others and whose only contribution is to increase hate will be covered by the dust of time. Haters are just that, hateful trolls. Hope they all enjoy their hateful Karma.

Lyndy Ward ~ The Black Cat!


I believe this meme about President Ronald Reagan perfectly shows where the liberal philosophy and ideology deeply entrenched in our country is heading us.

DemonratsFascism_13.jpgRight @coriantumr. Their entire family drank the Kool-Aid & they have been brainwashed into believing that they are fighting Fascism, yet they are the Fascist. They are being funded by Soros & other far left liberals that want to destroy America.