Robert De Niro PEDOPHILE?

in #news8 years ago

Robert De Niro was a client of an international prostitution ring that hired underage children and specialized in providing prostitutes to wealthy, high-profile clients.

According to court records from 1998, Independent journalist John Lichfield discovered that the prostitution agency routinely ensnared girls as young as 15, forcing them to have sex with Hollywood’s rich and powerful elite.

Could be the reason why he hates TRUMP so much:
De Niro: I’d Like to Punch Trump In the Face


As more information comes out about the pedophilia crimes of the global elite, we need to be connecting it all together and helping to wake people up to what is taking place. I have compiled info at my Clarity of Signal site on the global banker who revealed the sex crimes of the global elite, as well as other information on the recent arrest of a lead Vatican cardinal for child molestation.

Cardinal George Pell Charged With Sex Offenses - Child Sex Crimes of the Global Elite Exposed

I was not on board with Trump until he talked about globalism and America not going along with it. He could have been lying but we know what we would have gotten with Hillary. The reason they hate Trump is he not one of them. He has money so he can't be bought. He does not f with children so he can't be blackmailed.

De Niro is a dodgy POS who did some crisis acting for 911 , would not be suprised at all if he was a kiddyfidler

Isaac Kappy is bringing some awareness to this, also many more, assertations.